New golf cart owner


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  • New golf cart owner

    Hello, new guy here, glad to join the group. I inheritance a 2007 Columbia Par Car with a home purchase. Looking at the lead acid battery mess, I'm thinking of doing a 48 volt lithium conversion. I've looked at a number of conversion videos, but none specific to the Columbis Par Car model. I would like some feedback with the following:
    1. Opinion on what 48 volt kit is best
    2. Are any Par Car conversions available
    3. Any specific Par Car conversion issues
    I realize this is alot for an introduction, but any advice would be appreciated. Thank you

  • #2
    Welcome! This group is a fantastic resource and for something as specific as a Par Car lithium conversion you might want to also check out the golf cart brand specific forums here, I think the par-car related threads have been placed in the "other" manufacturers section. That section often has members who’ve tackled similar. Sharing photos of your cart and the battery compartment by posting a thread in those sections can also help others guide you more effectively.

    Take your time to explore threads and use the search feature chances are someone’s already asked related questions. You’ll find step by step guides that might be exactly what you need to get started. Here is a one of the more specific lithium conversion threads geared towards Club Car, but a lot of the basics are the same.


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