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  • Hi all

    I began playing golf when I was 12 years old. Despite what people might think, it doesn't cost a lot of money to play. Everyone, regardless of their abilities, can enter competitions thanks to the handicap system. Removing the stereotype of it being a sport only for wealthy and snobbish individuals will help golf gain the respect it deserves worldwide.
    Updated by DecklanTZ; September 28, 2023, 07:24 AM.

  • #2
    Posted earlier by DecklanTZ
    I began playing golf when I was 12 years old. Despite what people might think, it doesn't cost a lot of money to play. Everyone, regardless of their abilities, can enter competitions thanks to the handicap system. Removing the stereotype of it being a sport only for wealthy and snobbish individuals will help golf gain the respect it deserves worldwide.
    Welcome! Folks often reckon golfs a pricey affair, but the truth is, it ain't all that expensive if you play it smart. I reckon its more about the love for the game than deep pockets..Breakin that stereotype bout golf bein just for the highfalutin could give it the respect it deserves


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