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  • Newbie here

    Hello all. Just bought my first Golf Cart, 85 EZGO 2 Stroke. It’s a rough runner, as you can imagine. Which lead me here. I’m eager to learn, as I know squat about 2 strokes or golf carts in general. I look forward to picking everyone’s brains here, no matter how idiotic my questions my sound .
    Updated by clsticken; July 11, 2022, 08:47 PM.

  • #2
    Posted earlier by clsticken
    Hello all. Just bought my first Golf Cart, 85 EZGO 2 Stroke. It’s a rough runner, as you can imagine. Which lead me here. I’m eager to learn, as I know squat about 2 strokes or golf carts in general. I look forward to picking everyone’s brains here, no matter how idiotic my questions my sound .
    That 85 EZGO sounds like a neat find for your first rodeo! Learning bout them 2 strokes can be a hoot. Don't sweat it..everyone starts somewhere! Ain't no question too "idiotic," reckon we're all here to help. You're in good company, bud!


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