New to Golf Carts


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  • New to Golf Carts

    Hi all, I'm Doug and I'm new to golf carts. I'm looking for a project, something to tinker with in my spare time. Golf carts are fun and I see there are a lot of mods you can do. Some custom themes look fun too. I need to learn more about carts in general and in detail. I'm thinking electric, but I will see where my research takes me.

  • #2
    Hi Doug, glad to see you here, very nice that we have new subscribers. Golf carts are fun and I see there are a lot of mods you can do. Some users will help you with this. I hope you succeed. Always glad to meet new people, even if these are applications or just forums. And you?
    Updated by Michael Eddie; December 24, 2023, 06:13 PM. Reason: removed spam texts and links


    • #3
      Posted earlier by Budkitc
      Hi all, I'm Doug and I'm new to golf carts. I'm looking for a project, something to tinker with in my spare time. Golf carts are fun and I see there are a lot of mods you can do. Some custom themes look fun too. I need to learn more about carts in general and in detail. I'm thinking electric, but I will see where my research takes me.
      Hey Doug! Welcome to the golf cart gang! Sounds like you're ready to dive into some tinkering and mods. Electric carts got their charm for sure. Tons of potential for custom themes too. Take your time with the research, and you'll be spinning those wheels in no time. Happy tinkering, my man!


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