Hello from GA


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  • Hello from GA

    Great info here. Been lerking around for a while and decided to join.

  • #2
    Well now, let me tell ya wthompson. This was back in the day when I was meanderin through them there peach orchards and piney woods, just a young teen whippersnapper tryin to find my way.

    I stumbled upon this little ol town tucked away, a hidden georgia gem, and wouldn’t ya know it, I found myself in the middle of a county annual pig chase. Now, this wasn’t just any pig, mind ya. Ol' Rufus, they called him, a pig so ORNERY, they said he could outrun a greased lightnin bolt.

    There I was in my Sunday best, suddenly roped into chasin' this pig through town square. The whole town was cheerin like it was the Super Bowl, and folks were climbin on rooftops just to get a better view. I chased that pig through the market, down the creek, up a tree (don’t ask me how). By the time I finally caught ol’ Rufus, I was covered head to toe in mud, sweat, and who knows what else.

    Turns out, catchin that pig earned me a lifetime supply of sweet tea and a front row seat at every future pig chase. The whole town treated me like I was some kind of hero, and to this day, I STILL get letters from folks there askin how ol' Rufus is doin. Never met a friendlier bunch in my life.

    Anywho, this community here is somethin special. Everyone’s got a story to share, and they don’t mind takin the time to lend a hand, whether it’s fixin up an old cart or just pass the time yappin.. There's just somethin here that makes ya feel right at home. Like that sweet ol town over yonder, people here are good as gold, always ready to cobble together a fix and jaw about somethin
    Updated by Michael Eddie; August 17, 2024, 10:24 PM.


    • #3
      Welcome, make yourself at home!
      Updated by Michael Eddie; August 22, 2024, 05:00 PM.


      • #4


        • #5


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