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  • Howdy

    I registered on the site and thought I'd say "Hi". I've never owned a golf cart before and thought I'd try and get educated somewhat on features and prices before jumping in.

    Dan from the Land of the Illegal (Arizona, that is)
    Updated by Michael Eddie; June 26, 2024, 12:55 PM.

  • #2
    Sometimes ya gotta dive headfirst into the unknown to find what you're lookin for. It's like chartin a course through uncharted waters, ya never know what you might find. Let me tell ya bout the time I found myself in a bit of a similar pickle. I reckon it was back in '89 when I stumbled upon this contraption of a cart that looked like a cross between a rocket ship and a bathtub.

    Now, bein' the curious sort, I decided to take it for a spin. As soon as I cranked her up, and just as I was gettin' the hang of things, I hit a patch of rough terrain going down a steep hill. Next thing I knew, I was bouncin' and jostlin' like a tumbleweed in a dust storm. After what seemed like an eternity of bumpin and grindin, I finally managed to wrestle the wheel back under control. And right then, I realized that explorin new frontiers ain't always smooth sailin'

    So, Dan, when it comes to divin' into the world of golf carts, think of it like explorin uncharted territory just like me. There'll be bumps along the way, but with a bit of perseverance and some good advice from the kind folks around here, you'll find yourself sittin' pretty behind the wheel of JUST the right cart for all your journeys, I reckon!
    Updated by Michael Eddie; June 28, 2024, 05:17 PM.


    • #3


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