Hello from Florida


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  • Hello from Florida

    I look forward to learning more about Golf carts from all of you.

  • #2
    hello florida!!!! Kurt post up some pics of the cart!!! Glad to help! Mike


    • #3
      Posted earlier by Matti
      hello florida!!!! Kurt post up some pics of the cart!!! Glad to help! Mike
      Lets see if the photos took? My question is the (I think it's the coil spring, maybe, the spring that all the batteries are hooked to and gets extremelly HOT) is this spring suppose to look like this? When I hit a bump or anything close to jaring the cart when riding or transporting, sparks happen at the place where it is close to the axle. I am not sure but it looks like the spring may of been stretched at some point. I beleive it's a 85' Marathon that we got from a realative and had to replace the bettery compartment and remove a dent in the back panel (metal frame) and gave it new paint job! First time, not perfect but pretty good for hauling to Disney when camping. It seems like the max speed I can get from this cart (while going down a hill and the wind blowing on my back) is maybe 10 mph. Seems slow to me. Is there something I can do that wont break the bank? I got the cart for free and spent $900 on parts and wife said that was enough!
      I'm thinking the cart is shorting out on the axle and taking my speed away. If this makes since i would appreciate the help! Thanks.
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