I have owned a gasser for about 5 years and just bought a '94 (I was told) electric EZGO. I will go out tomorrow and check the date code on it and it's batteries. It seems to be solid. We had it out in our 55+ park for about an hour today and the bateries seemed still strong. More later. TedNRuthy
Just HI from AZ, Just bougth an Elec EZGO
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My battery date codes are G06 so I guess I have July 2006 batteries verses the "about 2 years old" batteries I was told when I bougth the cart. Well I guess that serves me right for researching this after I buy. Anyway they seem to charge up well with a few hours on the charger. I did a thorough cleaning, tightening of termonaul and coating with the red battery post coating. I plan to remove the batteries to my shed and rewire them to a 12V configuration and leave a 12V battery tender on them for the 6-7 months we are gone from AZ in the summer time. How does this sound? TED
Posted earlier by dougmcpto GCF tednruthy.
Charge your batteries after each use of more than 30 minutes.
After you get the date codes then you'll know what you're up against.
We like pictures...Updated by tednruthy; February 13, 2012, 11:08 AM.
06 batteries should be fine for awhile if they are looked after.
Leaving batteries unattended and plugged into any electronic device for 6-7 months is not something I would do for safety reasons. You really need someone to check on it regularly.
It's always a crap shoot but what you suggested will work as good as any.
My preference in AZ would be to have someone check the water and charge the batteries once a month.
The second option would be to charge the batteries before you leave, disconnect them completely and leave them sit.
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