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  • Newbe

    Just bought a 2002 clean Western 300. Have had 2 gas Yamaha's and the one before this was a Club Car DS. This is a new set up for me, so hope I can get a few questions answered here. Like getting a wiring diagram.
    Know more about the DS so might be able to help some there. Looking forward to increasing my knowledge here.

    Mike: cheers:

  • #2
    Welcome aboard,
    not much on gassers but I'll help anyway I can.


    • #3
      to GCF Mike!

      Post up a few more times and the owners manual and wiring diagrams for your cart will open up.

      I have been dealing with Westerns for years and am quite familiar with them.
      I see you have a 300, I have a 400.
      Is yours 36v, 42v or 48v?
      Got any photos of it?
      If it's a 2002 should look something like this:
      Click on photo to enlarge.
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      • #4
        Welcome to Golf Carts Forum, Mike! Thanks for coming to the community!

        Doug, I just want to sit in your Western! Looks so comfy!


        • #5
          Posted earlier by dougmcp
          to GCF Mike!

          Post up a few more times and the owners manual and wiring diagrams for your cart will open up.

          I have been dealing with Westerns for years and am quite familiar with them.
          I see you have a 300, I have a 400.
          Is yours 36v, 42v or 48v?
          Got any photos of it?
          If it's a 2002 should look something like this:
          Click on photo to enlarge.
          That is a fine looking cart! I've seen a few of them in person but not as nice as doug's!


          • #6
            That silver one is not my cart it's just one from the neighborhood, here is a photo of mine parked beside that silver one.
            Click to enlarge
            Attached Files:
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            • #7
              Mine is almond, and I'll post a pic as soon as I can. New to this cart, but so far I like it alot. Its a 42 volt.
              Updated by Elky83; January 28, 2012, 07:29 PM.
              Mike: cheers:


              • #8
                Hope I am doing the picture right? Here goes:
                Attached Files:
                Free Download, courtesy of Golf Carts Forum
                Updated by Michael Eddie; January 28, 2012, 07:54 PM. Reason: attached photo
                Mike: cheers:


                • #9
                  Now I am trying to set up instant email notification.
                  Need to stay in touch with this site. Seems like a great place to hang out.

                  Picture didn't come I did it wrong or the file was too big. I'll see what the admin has to say and go from there.
                  Updated by Elky83; January 28, 2012, 07:51 PM.
                  Mike: cheers:


                  • #10
                    All fixed, I attached it to the post, read up on how to use the site features here


                    • #11
                      Thanks Matti, I appreciate the help. I see how to do it now.

                      Mike: cheers:


                      • #12
                        Posted earlier by Elky83
                        Thanks Matti, I appreciate the help. I see how to do it now.

                        Awesome! Nice Western by the way, Between you and Doug I think I am starting to like Westerns!


                        • #13
                          Very nice looking carts all of you have. I like your styles!


                          • #14
                            Nice looking cart in great condition.
                            Western changed their carts slightly in the electrical area in those years, is the F/R switch on your cart down by your right knee or a rocker switch on the dash?
                            They are a bit of a wiring hodgepodge, what kind of electrical problems might you have?
                            Do you have the powered vents in the dash and a stock stereo?
                            What voltage is it 36v, 42v or 48v?


                            • #15
                              Haven't got into the electrical yet. But everything works except the turn signals. No big hurry on fixing them. Been spending most of my time polishing it up, playing golf, and searching the internet for a sevice manual without any luck. But have picked up some usefull information along the way. Found a wiring diagram for a 42 volt Elegante, and am hoping that they are wired the same.
                              Don't have the powered vents, nor stereo, but have put them in my other carts. I pulled the storage area panel by the window and looked at the wiringm and it looks like there are extra wires not being used. If I am lucky they might power up a stereo when I get around to installing one.
                              The cart is a 42 volt, and the F/R switch is by my right knee.

                              There was no owners manual or anything else that came with the cart, so if you have any information, or know where I could look, I sure could use the help. I have just about run out of different searchs on the internet.

                              Mike: cheers:


                              • #16
                                Mike, your cart is a series motor cart which should be trouble free for years. My Western was a 42v when I bought it and I converted to 48v. It now does nearly 30mph and will leave a patch of rubber on the pavement if I step too hard on the throttle.
                                The owners manual for your cart is at this link: Western Owners Manual
                                The wiring diagram for the 100/200 which should be the same as your 300 is on page 45.
                                I believe Western has not built a new cart since late 2007, they have done some refurbing of older carts and contract assembly for Zone carts and Club Car in the last few years. They are really not in the business anymore.
                                Updated by dougmcp; January 29, 2012, 12:32 PM.


                                • #17
                                  If its not too much trouble could you tell me what you had to do to your cart to make it 48 volts? Did you have to get a new charger and motor and change your wires? Did you go with 6- 8's or 8-6's.

                                  Updated by Elky83; January 29, 2012, 03:53 PM.
                                  Mike: cheers:


                                  • #18
                                    Nothing for golf carts is built for 42v so they normally use a combination of 36v and 48v parts.
                                    The only things needed to go to 48v is a 48v charger and either 1 more 6v battery or 6x8v batteries.
                                    For yours with it being a golf cart, may have to use the 6x8v method.
                                    Your solenoid will be 36v and it is shortwired on your battery pack to 36v instead of the full 42v. For 48v you can either get a 48v solenoid for $50 or short wire it to 40v on the pack, either is fine.
                                    The motor is a 36v motor that will run fine on 48v without any problems or lifespan issues.
                                    The controller will be a 36v-48v compatible so it will be OK.
                                    You will also need to find a way to get 12v to your accessories instaed of using 2x6v batteries. Depending on your skill level and snack bracket you can buy a 48v to 12v reducer for $150 or go the cheap route like I did and use an ebay $15 24v to 12v reducer.
                                    No other mods are required for the conversion.
                                    Updated by dougmcp; January 29, 2012, 07:52 PM.


                                    • #19
                                      Thanks......This is something I might do in the future, so will save your advice. Thanks for all the help you have given me. I really appreciate it.
                                      I'll try not to bother you too much.
                                      Mike: cheers:


                                      • #20
                                        It's no bother at all Mike, tune in often we'd love to see you here.
                                        Updated by dougmcp; January 29, 2012, 11:04 PM.


                                        • #21
                                          Enclosed is a picture of my charger. Looked on the web but could not find any info on this model.
                                          Have enclosed a pic of it.
                                          After I play 18 holes and plug it in it charges for about 3 hours and the bottom light comes on and says that it is charged.
                                          But the meter is not all the way to zero and the charger is still humming.
                                          I did read on other chargers that they have a hard charge to 80% then trickle charges to 100%.
                                          Am hoping that you have had expirence with this charger and can tell me if in fact this charger does the same thing.
                                          I am a little bit leary at this time leaving it running as I don't want to over- charge my batteries.
                                          Thanks in advance for any help you can give me on this subject.
                                          Attached Files:
                                          Free Download, courtesy of Golf Carts Forum
                                          Mike: cheers:


                                          • #22
                                            That charger is an OEM model made by DPI and it is a 5 stage charger, probably the best in the industry.
                                            The Stages are:
                                            1) Pre-Qualification
                                            2) Bulk Charge
                                            3) Absorption Charge
                                            4) Complete Charge
                                            5) Recycle Charge (after 2 weeks)

                                            You can leave this charger plugged in all the time the cart is near and it will keep your batteries at the ideal voltage.

                                            Here is a manual for a DPI 48v charger that will explain in depth what I said. DPI 48v Charger

                                            Hope this answers your questions.


                                            • #23
                                              Welcome to GCF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                              • #24
                                                Thanks Doug

                                                Guess I will have to talk to the factory as my charger goes down to the Charged Light but keeps on running and doesn't turn off. It charges quick and the meter goes down almost all the way but does not shut off. About one mark from shutting off.

                                                Updated by Elky83; February 2, 2012, 07:20 PM.
                                                Mike: cheers:


                                                • #25
                                                  If you put the charger on at night is it still running/charging in the morning?


                                                  • #26
                                                    If you have one bad battery that will keep the charger on.
                                                    It's trying to equalize the pack but can't so you end up killing the other batteries.
                                                    Your batteries are at the end of there life and the charger can't get the right readings because they all are wore out.


                                                    • #27
                                                      Thats what I figured. About time to spend some money I guess.
                                                      Mike: cheers:


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