New member, broke engine


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  • New member, broke engine

    Well, I think I have a broke piston. I am trying to find a manual for the EH29c engine. I have a 94 E-Z-Go with the EH29C engine. Only one piston is firing. I am trying to find out if I need to get a new engine or rebuild. After changing the spark plugs and oil, I here an occational metalic sound while it runs. I pulled the plugs out again one is dry and the other is soaked with oil. I am looking for suggestions on the rebuild vs new engine.

  • #2
    to GCF bpbug1.
    I'm an electric guy and don't know gas well but you may also have a bad plug wire etc. Are you getting spark to the wet cylinder?
    Metallic sounds are subjective, the first thing I would do is a compression test to see if you have a cylinder that will actually fire the plug.


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