New guy here - look forward to learning


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  • New guy here - look forward to learning

    I just found this site and I'm sure glad I did. I have a Club Car 36V series golf cart. multiple resistors and one solenoid. I think it is about a 2000 or 2001 year cart. I bought it used and I'm just now upgrading to new batteries. As a handicapped guy, I use it for yard duties and occasionally at the drag races. I am currently replacing the six batteries and replacing the corroded cables (all of them) to get a fresh start on things. It has been a great and reliable cart but like all things mechanical, it's time for major maintenance. I look forward to reading and learning from those in the know.

    I guess I'll slowly make my five posts so I can get at the wiring diagram just to make sure I rewire my cart properly - unless someone is willing to send me one a bit more quickly.

    Anyway, glad this site is here.
    Attached Files:
    Free Download, courtesy of Golf Carts Forum
    Updated by handicappedracer; October 31, 2011, 09:43 PM.

  • #2
    to GCF handicappedracer!
    Can you post up the serial number of your cart and we'll see what year it is and get you to 5 posts quickly.


    • #3
      Cool picture of the cart!
      So is the 7.99 on the wing your dial in time or the cost of fuel per second?


      • #4
        That is so great to see what you are doing. Welcome to GCF handicappedracer, glad you could join! Dont worry, you'll get to 5 posts in no time, try beating my post count


        • #5
          ..And nice dragster!!!


          • #6
            Is that a cart or a race car in your picture?


            • #7
              With the 7.99 it appears to be a Jr Dragster and wayy cool too!


              • #8
                Posted earlier by jhsandman
                Is that a cart or a race car in your picture?


                • #9
                  That's the hand controlled world's quickest wheelchiar. It's actually not a Junior dragster or even a Junior Comp dragster. It's a turbo alcohol powered Hayabusa dragster that runs in IHRA and NHRA as a bracket car.

                  So is the 7.99 on the wing your dial in time or the cost of fuel per second?
                  Actually both, LOL


                  • #10
                    If you're into motorcycle powered drag cars, I'm the moderator and admin for the site UMDRA stands for United Mini Drag Racers Association. There are actually a lot of us crazy outlaw engine fanatics (motorcycle and snowmobile powered dragsters and funny cars) that like racing a different way.

                    BYW, thanks for the warm welcome and comments.


                    • #11
                      Posted earlier by Matti
                      I just asked because dougmcp said nice cart. I sell cars not carts, and i was trying to get into a forum so i could get help not made fun of. lol its all in good fun thanks guy make fun of the new guy.


                      • #12
                        Thats a great looking dragster


                        • #13
                          Posted earlier by jhsandman
                          I just asked because dougmcp said nice cart. I sell cars not carts, and i was trying to get into a forum so i could get help not made fun of. lol its all in good fun thanks guy make fun of the new guy.
                          No you got me all wrong, I didnt mean to make you feel like we are making fun of you. I enjoy playing around but I do take you seriously and understand your comments.

                          I just realized what you meant on dougs post, nice catch on that!


                          • #14
                            Can you post up the serial number of your cart and we'll see what year it is and get you to 5 posts quickly.
                            OK, dumb newbie question, where is the serial number on a Club Car? I'm pretty sure mine is a 2001 but I would like to know for sure.


                            • #15
                              It probably under the center of the dash and should be something like A010-XXXXXX.


                              • #16
                                Yes it is under the PS glove box in plain view.


                                • #17
                                  Ok, the number is AB0116-011010


                                  • #18
                                    Posted earlier by handicappedracer
                                    Ok, the number is AB0116-011010
                                    It is a 2001. DS Golf Electric (V-Glide)


                                    • #19
                                      Thanks for the confirmation


                                      • #20


                                        • #21
                                          great looking car|||||||


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