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  • Hello

    I have a 06 club car precedent. 94 EZGO and 97 club car, both of these at my lake house. I love working on the 94 and 97 . I am having some electircal problems with 06 .
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    Updated by imdisturbed; October 11, 2011, 01:33 AM. Reason: added pic of 06 club car

  • #2
    Type of eletrical Problem. Aftermarket light kit not working. First rear light, then head lights. I want to learn more about factory wiring harness to help troubleshoot my problem.


    • #3
      Hello IAmDisturbed, Hope you aren't too disturbed.

      I would start by finding out the brand name and contacting the aftermarket light supplier for an wiring diagram



      • #4
        Great picture by the way!


        • #5
          to GCF.
          After 5 posts you will be able to access the wiring diagrams.


          • #6
            Got home from work this morning and decided to look at this problem. I found both rear light connects loose. Problem 1 fixed. I started with head lights at the dash. With the light connecter loose i had 12v. Still had no lights, i thought this was odd being a parallel light connection. Maybe I had 2 bad bulbs. I disconnected and removed the lights from the bracket. 1 light worked connected directly to the battery but the other did not. change the H3 12v 55W bulbs and both started working again. Odd to have a parallel circuit and one light not working.


            • #7
              I am interested in finding a radio and speaker mounting assembly. I like the idea of the dash. Prefer a carbon fiber look. I don't like the idea of losing my open space in my dash. This cart is for riding around the neighborhood, to the pool, grocery store, football games. I don't take anything that I can't put in my pockets or pool bag.
              The other option I have seen is overhead. I am worried what if it doesn't fit. How to hide the wiring. Will it look like crap. I want to keep my mirror.
              Any suggestion on either options; model, color type, contact for ordering, fit.


              • #8
                I'm not a fan of overhead stereo systems as they tend to shake a lot up there. The roof is not really that structurally sound and is only classified as a sun shade.
                Take a look at some these speaker enclosures for your cart that would mount in the corners under the dash: http://gallery.vendio.com/view/lotus..._ts=1318426048


                • #9
                  I believe this is what I was looking for thanks.


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