EZGO 36v to 48v Conversion


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  • EZGO 36v to 48v Conversion

    A 48v conversion will add approximately 30% or more for sepex carts to both speed and torque on your existing 36v cart.This write up is for both the series and the sepex cart.
    This is for controllers rated at 400 amps or less.

    Larger controllers require a different solenoid, fuse and diode.
    Larger controllers on series carts will also require an upgraded F/R switch.

    What you will need:
    1. Controller that is capable of 48v
    2. 48v Solenoid
    3. 470 ohm 10w resistor
    4. 1 amp diode PN IN4004
    5. Fuse 250 amp
    6. Optional 4ga cable set (11 -13 cables)
    7. 48v Batteries (8x6v, 6x8v or 4x12v)
    8. 48v Charger
    Basic Step by Step:
    1. Take a photo of your existing wiring layout for reference.
    2. Switch from run to tow if you have a switch.
    3. Disconnect the batteries.
    4. Change the controller (some controllers may have adapter harnesses).
    5. Reconnect the batteries and confirm the controller works.
    6. Disconnect the batteries.
    7. Install the new solenoid.
    8. Install the new resistor across the large posts on the solenoid.
    9. Install the new diode across the small posts on the solenoid, stripe to positive side.
    10. Install the new batteries (6x8v) and don't forget to re-install the charger wires. The wiring will be exactly as they came off the original batteries.
    11. Install fuse between the negative on the battery pack and the controller.
    12. Confirm that you have 48v at the charger receptacle.
    13. Short test drive. I know you shouldn't do this but your curiosity will make you want to try it out.
    14. Recharge batteries.
    If you have a programmable controller it is pretty much plug and play. They generally come pre-programmed. If you are planing on tweaking the parameters it can be done later.

    I will update this later with some photos.
    Updated by dougmcp; September 9, 2011, 02:40 PM.

  • #2
    Doug : You are very thorough, awesome!

    I do have a few questions for you. Since my cart is stock as it sits now, once the conversion is finished, what is mph before and after?

    Where, in the battery wiring, do I insert the new battery wires?

    Based on your list above, can you tell me any part numbers and where to buy these things?

    Yes, any pictures would definately help.

    What is your opinion ,of the way the guy from the other forum, converted his 36 to 48 volt wiring using his original 36 volt charger and adding a second charger of 12 volts?

    Hey Doug, I forgot to ask about the motor. I noticed you didn't include a motor in the list.

    Do i need to replace or do anything with my existing 36 volt motor? Does it need to be rewired for more voltage?




    • #3
      I can't be sure about your final speed but if you are currently running the stock controller with the $5 speed chip in it your speed should be around 18mph. With a 48v upgrade, 4ga cables and a 400a controller you should be at somewhere in the 25mph range, it might even be faster.
      Adding to that, larger tires (20" diameter) would also increase your speed by an additional 3-4 mph.

      Your batteries are in series and all you would do is break the string and add them to the middle of the pack, if this makes sense.

      Batteries are critical to the performance of your cart, you could bastardize the system and use a 12v charger as well as your original 36v charger but you will likely end up with an unbalanced pack. I would recommend a 48v charger.

      I will compose a parts list later today and post it up for you.

      Posted earlier by redman34
      Hey Doug, I forgot to ask about the motor. I noticed you didn't include a motor in the list.

      Do i need to replace or do anything with my existing 36 volt motor? Does it need to be rewired for more voltage?


      You can likely use your existing motor but if you want to upgrade it for about $250, Plum Quick can do the job and get you probably 20%-25% more gusto than the stock motor provides. I will confirm this later today.
      A 36v motor will work fine on 48v.


      • #4
        Ok, I will watch for your post.

        A few years ago I worked in Roseville, Ca, when they built the new mall.

        Thanks again for your time and input.



        • #5
          OK redman34, I got the info back from the motor builder I was looking for.
          To address your desire to go faster, I would take this in stages while planning ahead so there are no redundancies.
          I know that you have already bought the batteries so you are well on your way.
          Install new 4ga cables for the batteries, controller, solenoid and motor (should be 10 or 11 in all).
          I would have the motor rewound by Plum Quick for $225.00. You will have have to take it off, ship it to them and in a few days they would ship it back.
          They have a motor called the Bandit that will give you 23 mph on 36v and if you desire will handle the upgrade to 48v.
          To avoid downtime and while your getting used to the cart and making sure everything runs well you could start assembling your 48v conversion like controller, solenoid, charger etc.
          After you get it all assembled then move to the next stage of the conversion.
          Plum Quick has said that your cart will go about 30mph with the conversion.
          That's really fast for a golf cart (5mph faster than an LSV) and after you do that we will also need to start talking about disc brakes to stop.


          • #6
            Hey doug, thanks so much for all your time you have put in on this.

            A couple questions for you :

            First, do i need to remove the batteries, in order to remove the motor?

            Second , Can you tell me where is the best place to buy :

            4 ga cables
            48 v charger
            solenoid, and the rest of the parts you listed?




            • #7
              You do not need to remove the batteries to remove the motor, it is held on by 3 bolts. Check your service manual, I think it will show you how.
              I'm a bit of a bargain hunter and like to get things as inexpensively as possible. If you know what to look for there are some great deals on ebay.
              Here is my proposed list, feel free to ask any questions as to why or whatever.

              Motor: Plum Quick $225.00 plus Freight http://www.plumquick.com
              Controller that is capable of 48v Ebay: $410.00 http://www.ebay.com/itm/DCX400-PDS-A...item3f0776daf3
              48v Solenoid Ebay: $54.00 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Heavy-Duty-4...item5ad9a11a39
              470 ohm 10w resistor Amazon: $1.00 http://www.amazon.com/470-Resistor-W.../dp/B0002ZP3QE
              1 amp diode PN IN4004 Radio Shack: $1.19 http://www.radioshack.com/product/in...ductId=2036270
              Fuse 250 amp Ebay: $11.00 http://www.ebay.com/itm/CNN-250-Fuse...item3efed87f21
              Optional 4ga cable set (11 -13 cables) Ebay: $80.00 http://www.ebay.com/itm/EZGO-GOLF-CA...item19c7693d8c
              48v Batteries (8x6v, 6x8v or 4x12v) Sam's Club/Costco
              48v Charger Ebay: $170.00 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/_W0QQ...KQ3aMEWAXQ3aIT
              Updated by dougmcp; September 13, 2011, 04:24 PM.


              • #8
                Amazing. Thanks again Doug. I need to get busy here.

                By the way, what do you do for a living?

                Where did you get all your cart knowledge?


                • #9
                  Hey Doug, regarding this 48 volt charger :

                  Where and how would you mount it, on a 2001 ezgo pds?

                  I see it says it is reconditioned, in your opinion, is there any problem with that?


                  • #10
                    Posted earlier by redman34
                    Hey Doug, regarding this 48 volt charger :

                    Where and how would you mount it, on a 2001 ezgo pds?

                    I see it says it is reconditioned, in your opinion, is there any problem with that?
                    It doesn't need to be mounted, you can use it as a stand alone charger just like the one you have now. Switch the cord over from your original charger and it just plugs into the same charging receptacle on your cart.
                    They are reconditioned but have a good track record from both operational and customer service.


                    • #11
                      OK Great. Looks a lot lighter weight too.


                      • #12
                        I have been running my EZ-Go off 4 12V deep cycle batteries for a year now. It is MUCH faster, and works well on the hills around my house. I am currently in the process of installing a Kelly Controller and running off 72V (using PWM current control to make sure the motor doesn't burn up). I will keep you posted as to the results.



                        • #13
                          I'm looking forward to hearing more about your project Rherrman, keep us posted.
                          You should start a new post about your 72v conversion.
                          We like pictures too!


                          • #14
                            Doug - I finally came over from The Dark Side. Thanks for the advice on this website.

                            I have 3 questions for you, and I'm hoping they ADD to the detail of this thread topic:

                            • WHERE do you suggest I put my 2 extra batteries when I go from 6X6 to 8X6? 97 EZGO DCS. I know it's been done, but I don't seem to have unlimited space under the seat.

                            • I have "heard / read" that putting a 48V solenoid on a new (Alltrax) controller and my controller cover will not fit any more ... too small. Is that true? And if so, what is the work-around?

                            • Will I need a new battery meter / guage? I'm thinking my current gauge is calibrated for (2.12 x 3 x 6 =) 38.16 V. Right? But after conversion I will be at 50.88 V. Or does that gauge base it off average voltage or something?

                            Signature coming soon!


                            • #15
                              to GCF JyRO!
                              Most use the bagwell to install the extra 2 6v batteries.
                              If you use the cart for golf you will need the bagwell for clubs so you would have to change to 6x8v batteries.

                              If you are using the small 6 1/2" long Alltrax controller the cover may still fit and if you are using the 8 1/2" unit you can cut back your existing cover to give it some protection and still have a partial cover.
                              You can also relocate the solenoid to another place close by.

                              If you are using the 10 LED version or the analog version of the state of charge meter you will need to get another one calibrated for a 48v pack, the 36v will not work.


                              • #16
                                rherrman , the motor will handle 72 volts ok but you need to keep an eye on the brushes because that is where you will have problems if you put any load on the motor.On flat smooth roads i ran one a few yrs without any problems but if you go offroad or have hills you may have issues with it.


                                • #17
                                  Status Update:

                                  I managed to fit all 8 batteries under the seat. They fit quite nice actually, and the seat does not touch the new ones. The new ones sit about an inch higher. And I may go back and weld some angles at the bottom to ensure the batteries can't move.

                                  My controller cover doesn't seem to fit. I'm going to have to figure that out tonight.

                                  I have a new battery meter. Works good.

                                  Lastly, I removed the cord from the Powerwise charger, and wired it to one of the harnesses provided with the ProTech charger. So now, I can charge it with the same connector as provided by EZGo.

                                  First test ride is tonight (hopefully).



                                  • #18
                                    Status Update:

                                    If you've every watched Everybody Loves Raymond, picture Frank Barone when I say, "Holy Crap!"

                                    The cart paths are now dangerous. They're too twisty and bumpy. I don't have enough brakes. On the flat / level, it will do more than 25 mph. But I don't have straight enough sections to see what is really possible. Plus there are other carts, bicycles and pedestrians that are having to be slowed down for.

                                    But it's overkill to be sure. I had to work out a couple issues. The powerwise charger polarity was backward of the new charger. So I blew the polarity fuse. Then I took the powerwise connector apart and reversed the poles. Now it works great.

                                    I attached the top two screws on the controller cover to hold it in place. Some people are running it with no cover, so my set-up is pretty good.

                                    The thing runs down batteries QUICK. But once I wear the newness off the speed, maybe I can gain some range. I'm in China now, but when I get back, I'll be looking for VICTIMS!



                                    • #19
                                      Would this method/parts work on my Ez-Go 2000yr TXT? thanks TS


                                      • #20
                                        I am considering converting my 36V 2005 E-Z-GO TXT cart too. The main reason is for the slow speed when climbing hills and inclines. Last year I put the Plum Quick Bandit motor in and it increased the speed some, but not uphill. Once you converted your cart to 48V did it help in climbing hills? I see you got more speed on flat ground but what about inclines. Thanks in advance for your response.


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