1 out of ten times, cart runs fine...... compression good, new gas, spark plug, valve in exhaust at front of head looks good, functions... engine barely ran w/ exhaust off so I discounted that... 9 out of ten times, with the engine cranking, the exhaust gets hot enough to burn a finger....almost, so the engine is running, but not enough to propel cart, usually. Some times starts and runs great....Carb was dirty. A friend disassembled it, lost float needle....bought another needle & seat, installed, no luck...new needle is spring loaded on bottom, where it contacts float. Set Float level set w/ spring compressed?? or w/ float just touching end of needle(spring not compressed)??? New seat is a 1.5, old is a 1.0 (neither make it run better). Fuel sputters out of pump, pulse line is dry. Oil appears to be coming out of oil line, going into carb....Also couldn,t find mixture needle, fabbed one (crude). All carb passages clear, appears to be way too rich... help
'84 G-1 very hard starting
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no - engine barely runs with starter (exhaust pipe gets hot), but carb cleaner makes it worse. That's the main reason I think it's too rich. Does anyone/everyone have spring loaded float needle? Looking for float adjustment, preferably w/ pictures...Are there any service manuals floating around? On monday I will try to buy a mixture needle...Happy Easter to all....
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