1981 G1 Electrical Problem


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  • 1981 G1 Electrical Problem

    I was recently given a 1981 G1 gas golf cart and was told that it was running the last time it was parked but has been setting for over a year now. I started by cleaning it up really good and putting in a new battery, air filter, fuel filter, gas, oil and spark plug. Once I got all of this done it would not even make a sound. I checked the fuses and the fuse on the ground wire was blown. I replaced the fuse but as soon as I put the two wires back together it blew again. I took the wiring harness off the cart and checked for continuity and all of the wires checked good and so did the switch. I put all of the wires back in place and tried again, still blows the fuse. I checked the ground to all other wires to make sure there was not continuity and there was not, however, when checking from the the ground bar that connects the two solenoids together I DO have continuity to almost every wire and connection throughout the cart. Why is this, is it a bad solenoid possibly?? Any help please.

  • #2
    Check that the battery is installed the correct way, and the connections on the solenoid are correct and clean. Finally check the connections on the starter are clean, they are known to become corroded over time. Here is your wiring diagram http://www.golfcart-forums.com/golf-...g-diagram.html


    • #3
      I had this same wiring diagram from a local repair shop and I have checked all of the connections and everything seems to be connected properly. I will double check the connections at the starter. As for the battery, I have double checked myself several times and it is in correctly, but, the weird thing is that even with the battery disconnected there is still continuity from the ground on the solenoid to all of the other wires. I have attached the image that you sent along with a note showing the location where I am touching the solenoid at. What about inside the solenoid or the starter, could the wires have "melted" together???
      Attached Files:
      Free Download, courtesy of Golf Carts Forum
      Updated by Wildman1; April 7, 2009, 01:14 PM.


      • #4
        Posted earlier by Wildman1
        What about inside the solenoid or the starter, could the wires have "melted" together???
        No it should be fine, usually the short happens in or at the starter. Also, you don't have any lights or accessories installed on the cart do you?


        • #5
          No, there are no lights or anything like that on the cart. Could it be wires inside the starter that have melted together?


          • #6
            Posted earlier by Wildman1
            No, there are no lights or anything like that on the cart. Could it be wires inside the starter that have melted together?
            Something like that is very rare, there is not much inside to melt together. I would check though the motor brushes and terminals on the starter since rusting out and corroding at those points is a very common problem on the G1


            • #7
              sounds like battery is backwards....


              • #8
                Okay, I just got thru checking the starter and cleaned all of the connections and made sure the isolaters were still good. I took it apart and checked inside and did not see anything that looked corroded or touching. I put it back on and again I checked the battery and it is still in the right way. When I put a new fuse in it and put the wires back together it blew the fuse right away. I checked for continuity from each post on the starter to the body of the starter and there is continuity. Is it possible the starter is bad??


                • #9
                  Posted earlier by Wildman1
                  Okay, I just got thru checking the starter and cleaned all of the connections and made sure the isolaters were still good. I took it apart and checked inside and did not see anything that looked corroded or touching. I put it back on and again I checked the battery and it is still in the right way. When I put a new fuse in it and put the wires back together it blew the fuse right away. I checked for continuity from each post on the starter to the body of the starter and there is continuity. Is it possible the starter is bad??
                  As we narrow it down, there could be a short in the starter. I would take the starter to an electric motor store and have it checked out. By the way, hows the brushes look?


                  • #10
                    Brushes looked good, I will try and take it today and get it checked out. Thanks for the help so far.
                    Updated by Wildman1; April 10, 2009, 07:41 AM.


                    • #11
                      i am having the same problem any news did you fix it
                      Updated by golfer boy 27; July 6, 2009, 05:40 PM.


                      • #12
                        Posted earlier by golfer boy 27
                        i am having the same problem any news did you fix it
                        Did you do all of the above and are still having the problem?


                        • #13
                          You know that the start stop switch wires can and do short out and also the forward reverse switch can short out internally.


                          • #14
                            still blowing the fuse? Trace the wiring to the magneto.


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