82 g1 carberator problems


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  • 82 g1 carberator problems

    So i am getting to much fuel and can't find any manuals or anything for this golf cart. I would apperaicate if someone can e-mail me a manual or something even on the carb would be greatly appericated. I checked float needle and seat and it seems if i bend down the tab on the float bowl i don't get enough fuel to get it to start up, but if i bend it back the other way i get way to much fuel and it starts to run and smokes alot meaning to much fuel. IF I PINCH THE FUEL LINE COMING OUT OF THE FUEL PUMP IT STARTS AND RUNS TILL IT GETS TO LOW IN THE FLOAT BOWL and then it dies......

    Any ideas?

  • #2
    The amount of fuel going into the engine is regulated by the mix jet on the carburetor. Set it at 1.25 turns out. To fix the problems you are having I would start by cleaning out the carburetor entirely, every jet and hole and check the float. Then put the carburetor back on making sure all gaskets are in place and that the air filter system is completely sealed and all fuel lines do not have any holes or cracks in them.


    • #3
      Posted earlier by Matti
      The amount of fuel going into the engine is regulated by the mix jet on the carburetor. Set it at 1.25 turns out. To fix the problems you are having I would start by cleaning out the carburetor entirely, every jet and hole and check the float. Then put the carburetor back on making sure all gaskets are in place and that the air filter system is completely sealed and all fuel lines do not have any holes or cracks in them.
      Took the carb completly apart and cleaned everything, the mixture needle on the side i think simply adjust how much air fuel ratio the engine gets, doesn't matter if i turn it all the way in, or out it runs the same. Somehow i just don't get how the fuel doesn't regulate right, it's either way to much fuel or not enough. I tried to bend the float tab to try to regulate the amount of fuel but seems like i keep hitting a wall with either getting to much fuel, or not enough at all. Just seems like i need to break down and buy a new carb but hell it's like 120 or 65 for a rebuild kit, just seems kinda of odd of what it's doing

      Oh yeah i replaced all fuel lines, fuel pump is pumping plenty of fuel, i know it's go to be something in the carb
      Updated by Jocko; April 5, 2009, 12:29 AM.


      • #4
        I'll upload the G1 owners manual tomorrow for you.


        • #5
          Posted earlier by Jocko
          Took the carb completly apart and cleaned everything, the mixture needle on the side i think simply adjust how much air fuel ratio the engine gets, doesn't matter if i turn it all the way in, or out it runs the same. Somehow i just don't get how the fuel doesn't regulate right, it's either way to much fuel or not enough. I tried to bend the float tab to try to regulate the amount of fuel but seems like i keep hitting a wall with either getting to much fuel, or not enough at all. Just seems like i need to break down and buy a new carb but hell it's like 120 or 65 for a rebuild kit, just seems kinda of odd of what it's doing

          Oh yeah i replaced all fuel lines, fuel pump is pumping plenty of fuel, i know it's go to be something in the carb
          I see. Over the years the float wares against the needle valve and eventually does not stop gas from entering the bowl. This can be fixed by adjusting the float. Bend the top tab until the float rests against the needle when it is level with the bottom edge of the carburetor.


          • #6
            Posted earlier by Matti
            I see. Over the years the float wares against the needle valve and eventually does not stop gas from entering the bowl. This can be fixed by adjusting the float. Bend the top tab until the float rests against the needle when it is level with the bottom edge of the carburetor.

            You must not pay any attention to what i just typed. I already tried that, if i bend it to much, i don't get any fuel or not enough. Then if i bend it back just a little i get to much fuel.


            • #7
              Posted earlier by Jocko
              You must not pay any attention to what i just typed. I already tried that, if i bend it to much, i don't get any fuel or not enough. Then if i bend it back just a little i get to much fuel.
              It was late last night I think you will benefit from a carb rebuild kit or a new carburetor like you said earlier. I was having similar problems with my G1, but the carb was so old I just decided to replace the whole thing and replaced the crank seals while I was at it.


              • #8
                well found the problem, had a friend of mine come over and it was the needle, had some very small groves in it, took some very fine sandpaper and shaped it back smooth and it works like a charm!
                Thanks for the advice!


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