I have just taken possession of a golf cart but I can not identify what model and year it was manufactured. I found only one sticker on the cart and it was on the frame. Local golf cart people and internet were not really helpful. Found some pics and info that indicated they were made for the asian market but not much more.. I have included pics of cart and label with number on it. Any help appreciated.
Can you help identfify this model and year of my golf cart
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That is indeed an asian market 2005-2006 Yamaha G31AP(JX6), they currently go under the name Yamaha G Series 5 seater and were only available to Guam, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan and Thailand. 102535 would be the unique number of the serial number. They dont change much on the outside, heres the latest info on it. Congrats on the new cart, must have been brought in on a private container at some point. Further reading
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