Yamaha g2 won't start gas shoots out from carb when turning over


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  • Yamaha g2 won't start gas shoots out from carb when turning over

    On my yamaha g2 won't start and when the engine turns over gas shoots back out of carb. Its like the intake valve is open when when piston comes up. Can these things jump time?

  • #2
    It’s highly unlikely that your engine has jumped timing, especially in these Yamaha G2s, which have a fairly strong timing system. What you're describing sounds much more like an issue with the carburetor itself, likely due to a stuck float.

    The floats job is to regulate the fuel level in the carb's float bowl. As fuel enters, the float rises, and when it reaches a certain point it pushes against the needle valve which shuts off the fuel flow keeping the fuel at just the right level. If the float is sticking or the needle valve isn't sealing properly, excess fuel can flood the carburetor causing it to backfire or push fuel out through the intake.

    If this is the case, you’d experience symptoms like hard starting, rough running, or exactly what you’re describing, fuel pushing out of the carb when you try to start the engine. This happens because the fuel isn't being properly regulated inside the carburetor, essentially "overflowing" the system. Fixing a stuck float or cleaning out the needle valve can resolve this, and based on your description, it sounds like this could be your issue.


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