gas in oil pan


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  • gas in oil pan

    We just bought a 1996 g14 .The person we bought it from said that the oil pan would fill up with gas .He said he thought the rings were bad.I think there must something else wrong for gas to even get to the cylinder.Anyone have any ideas.

  • #2
    Either the float is sticking or the needle and seat are bad in the carburetor. That is the only way gas can get into the engine. Also check the gas tank vent it could be plugged causing excess pressure to build up in the tank. Either way the carb must come off and be cleaned. Might as well get a new float and needle. Put in a shut off valve in the fuel line, this will also prevent seepage. See carb cleaning 101

    Drain and replace the oil.
    Updated by Larry1950; July 15, 2013, 05:35 AM.


    • #3
      I took the Carb off and cleaned it drained the gas from oil pan refilled with new oil.
      When i push the gas pedel now it back fires through carb.Iam not sure if it was doing it before because i didnt try it with gas in oil pan.I also just disconnected gas line from pump until when not working on it until i can figure the backfire issue.
      Any ideas?


      • #4
        Back firing can be caused from a number of things. From too lean to poorly adjusted valves, timing, poor compression, to a plugged exhaust. Does it back fire with the air box/filter in place? IF you give it some choke does it quit back firing? Make sure the air box/filter is in place. Adjust the valves Cold, if I remember right a Yamaha should be .006". Do a compression test need 110 to 120 psi to be good. Did you remove the pilot and main jets when cleaning the carb, this is a must to make sure the jets are totally clear.It is amazing what new spark plugs can do.
        Updated by Larry1950; July 20, 2013, 08:40 AM.


        • #5
          Hey thanks for your help I put air filter back in place adjusted carb and got it running but found throttle bracket broken at pedel assy .was able to ride it around yard at low speed .I let it cool found no gas in pan .I think I will put in valve or solenoid to shut gas off when not running .
          iam sure I will have more questions.
          Thanks again for your help


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