92 yamaha


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  • 92 yamaha

    When I press accelerator nothing happens but I can jump solenoid turns over if I jump solenoid and push accelerator it runs I checked stop switch getting to and from key switch has power had all wire exposed no broken everything grounded getting power to solenoid from battery large post no power going out to starter even unplugged back up buzzer to reset nothing I got on repairmanuals.com tried to order repair manual said serial number invalid

  • #2
    when you say jumped solenoid are you jumping the small terminals or the large terminals.


    • #3
      using your volt meter set to volts, leads on small terminals of solenoid and pressing gas pedal do you read voltage.


      • #4
        Posted earlier by gaminde
        when you say jumped solenoid are you jumping the small terminals or the large terminals.


        • #5
          Posted earlier by gaminde
          using your volt meter set to volts, leads on small terminals of solenoid and pressing gas pedal do you read voltage.
          just on one side so I changed solenoid stil same just one side


          • #6
            Posted earlier by krg1212
            just on one side so I changed solenoid stil same just one side
            I'm sorry I do not understand one side of what ok I see there are two posts.

            We need to slow down and do one thing at a time
            put your meter on the small terminals and press the gas and read voltage.
            Updated by gaminde; July 11, 2013, 07:57 AM.


            • #7
              I was on the Yamaha site and there are no G6's in 92 per there manuals

              So here is a 92 G8 schematic
              Attached Files:
              Free Download, courtesy of Golf Carts Forum


              • #8
                Posted earlier by gaminde
                I was on the Yamaha site and there are no G6's in 92 per there manuals

                So here is a 92 G8 schematic
                I check voltage at solenoid looks like 9 volts on both small terminals
                Updated by krg1212; July 11, 2013, 08:38 AM.


                • #9
                  you need to follow what Im saying
                  put your meter on the small terminals and press the gas and read voltage.

                  there is no 9v on both terminals


                  • #10
                    Posted earlier by gaminde
                    you need to follow what Im saying
                    put your meter on the small terminals and press the gas and read voltage.

                    there is no 9v on both terminals


                    • #11
                      Ok lets see if we can get someone who knows about Yamaha gas I have no clue don't like gas to noisy.


                      • #12
                        can you post the serial number of cart?
                        then we can get a wiring diagram and start from there.


                        • #13
                          Thanks Wthompson


                          • #14
                            Posted earlier by gaminde
                            Ok lets see if we can get someone who knows about Yamaha gas I have no clue don't like gas to noisy.
                            ground wire on connector to solenoid bad, cart up and running, really thankful to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            Updated by krg1212; July 12, 2013, 08:15 AM.


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