I have a '91 Yamaha Gas. I have owned it a couple of years with no problems other than it has always been a little slow to start (need pedal in correct position). Last week it would not start, just click, but no start. I checked the battery and it read a little low, so I charged it all day. The next time it started right up and has done so for a couple of days. Today, nothing, no click, no nothing. I replaced the battery with a new one and still nothing. I am not accustomed to a gas cart. I have always had electrics. What might be going on with this cart?
Yamaha Gas Cart
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I am thinking you have a G2A, you can be sure by tracing the serial number using the charts in this post here, as for your current situation tap on the solenoid and try to start it again. If it doesnt start, jump the solenoid.
This problem wont relate to the engine being slow to start though.Regards
Based on what you describe, I would check the ends of the battery cables - the ends that are not at the battery. Take them off and clean them well with a wire brush. Also clean the area (I assume on the frame) that the negative cable connects to. Be sure to disconnect the negative cable from the battery before doing any work so you don't have any fireworks.
After that it could be a solenoid - what happens if you tap lightly on the solenoid with a hammer? What happens if you tap lightly on the starter motor with a hammer?
I'm sure Matti has some better ideas, but I thought I'd give it a shot...
Yamaha golf cart
Thanks for all your suggestions. Yes, I have tried each of those suggestions. I have finally loaded the cart and carried it to our local Yamaha dealer for repair. (I have a feeling I might have to "set my satchel down" as is usually the case with dealer repairs).
They (the dealer) has said it might be the "start-stop" switch or the solenoid switch, either of which are expensive.
I am sorry that I didn't make the engine starting clear. It is not that the engine "starts slowly", I meant that it was difficult to "activate" the start sequence with the gas pedal. I would turn over many, many times before finally starting. It didn't matter if you "choked" it or not. I have the feeling this engine needs a real tuning once the electrical problem is solved.
Thanks again for your assistance.
Great forum though. Really quick to answer.
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