G9 wiring harness


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  • G9 wiring harness

    Hi guys, new to the forum and am in need of some help. I got a 1992 G9 from a buddy after his son took it in the woods and somehow managed to melt the entire wiring harness. Have looked all over the web(ebay,craigslist,etc) and can't find a wiring harness. If anyone has one or knows where I can find one that would be great. Thanks hope to hear from someone soon
    Updated by chivo72; July 31, 2012, 12:18 AM.

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum! Sounds like you’ve got quite the project on your hands

    The wiring harness can be a bit tricky to track down. Originally, your G9's wiring harness was part number JG5-82590-03-00, but it got updated to JH5-82590-03-00, and Yamaha suggests a retail price of about $180.99 for it. The G2 harnesses might catch your eye since they're similar and a bit cheaper, but be aware of some key differences. The G2 and G9 have different setups when it comes to the fuse, voltage regulator, and ignitor couplers, and the G9 doesn’t have wiring for a low oil level light, unlike the G2. But it can still be used with some modifications.

    If you’re a bit handy and up for a challenge, you might consider making your own wiring harness. It can save you some cash and give you a deeper understanding of your cart’s electrical system. I’ll attach the wiring harness layout to this post for you so you’ll have a roadmap to guide you through the process. If you have any questions or need a bit more guidance don’t hesitate to ask!
    Attached Files:
    Free Download, courtesy of Golf Carts Forum
    Updated by Michael Eddie; June 14, 2024, 06:30 PM.


    • #3
      Just bought 1 for my 92 g9 from partzilla.com, was a bit pricey but it’s oem.


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