Yamaha Speed problem - 1981 G 1


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  • Yamaha Speed problem - 1981 G 1

    I just got an 81 G 1 ( what I was told, anyway )....Seems to have PLENTY of power, but it's either FULL SPEED or nothing - there's no other speed...I kinda' like the speed, but my neighbors in the campground won't like it - they already have signs all over telling the kids to slow down...I don't want to be the local jerk & have a mob of angry campers show up with swords & pitchforks, so I want to get it running right before I start using it at camp.... never had a cart before & this one didn't come with a shop manual....I have no idea what adjustment needs to be made or what part may be causing the problem...... I did notice that the cable running from the foot pedal to the engine got pinched somehow, but it still seems to slide back & forth in the sleeve ( I'm gonna try & locate a replacement, even if it's not the cause of the problem )....Please let me know if anyone else has had this problem & what you did to repair it ....Thanks !
    Updated by mongohateswinter; July 14, 2012, 03:04 PM. Reason: add pic

  • #2
    Go here and get some service info;

    My guess is that someone tightened up the govenor arm and the linkages too much trying to make it faster.
    If you press the gas and watch at the carb how the cable is pulling, you should be able to find a way to get some more adjustment (variable) in the accelerator pedal.

    Good luck.


    • #3
      Thanks for the info.....I'll check the adjustments on the cart & the site with manual....


      • #4
        mines done it,check the butterfly linkage on the exaust, the governer seems to be the problem, mine did it and it gave me whiplash,goodluck


        • #5
          I want 2 thank everyone that offered advice on how to fix my excessive speed problem....It turned out to be the governor....It took about ten minutes of playing around adjusting & trying it out.....She runs great now......


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