Help with 95 Yamaha G14


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  • Help with 95 Yamaha G14

    Hello. We recently bought a 95 yamaha g14 gas cart to use at our campground. Owner had died and his children were selling it. Was told it was bogging down due to old gas and it needed run. Drained gas, put in new spark plug, new air filter, new fuel filter, cleaned carburetor and it would only run with choke pulled. Bought a new carb. It will now run on level without choke pulled but needs choke pulled to make it up any sort of inclined surface. Any suggestions on where to go next? We were thinking to replace the fuel pump. Feeling like we got burned although the body and everything is in excellent shape. We just want a running cart!

  • #2
    sounds like fuel related , check the fuel system from the tank to the carb, pull line off the carb and see how much flow your actually getting and back track from there.


    • #3
      I guess there's a couple of these out there.......... Like Pistolpete said. I would also replace the fuel lines while your at it. Less than 10.00 and removes a lot of guessing


      • #4
        Thanks for the advice! Hubby removed and blew out all the fuel and air lines. Put in a new fuel pump and it now runs like a champ.


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