the starter turns as soon as you turn the key on,forward or reverse.i know this isn't correct. what could be the problem? any help would be appreciated! thanks
G1 starter problem
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It sounds like there could be a few potential culprits. Firstly, a faulty stop switch at the pedal or a stuck solenoid could be to blame. The stop switch at the pedal serves as a safety feature. Its primary function is to prevent the starter from engaging unless the pedal is depressed. This safety measure make sure the cart cannot accidentally start or move when the driver is not ready. If the stop switch malfunctions or fails to engage properly, it could result in the starter engaging as soon as the key is turned, regardless of whether the pedal is depressed or not.
If all is well there, a good troubleshooting beginning step would be to label and disconnect one of the solenoids and observe the behavior. If the issue persists, try operating the key switch to see if it works normally in at least one direction. If so, you'll know that the disconnected solenoid is likely faulty. If not, repeat the process with the other solenoid. When engaged, the forward solenoid allows the cart to move forward, while the reverse solenoid facilitates reverse movement. These solenoids serve as high current switches that control the flow of electrical current to the cart's motor, determining the direction of rotation and thus the direction of movement. By activating or deactivating the appropriate solenoid, the driver can effectively control the cart's forward and backward motion. If the solenoids are stuck, it could result in the starter turning as soon as a you turn the key. Before considering a solenoid replacement, try carefully tapping on the solenoid with a hammer to see if you can free it up.
If all else fails and the key switch itself looks good, consider unhooking the voltage regulator, as it could be malfunctioning and backfeeding the system. It's also worth checking for any wiring issues where a wire may not be in the correct place. The G1 service manual (which includes the wiring diagram) is floating around here a quick search should help if needed. If you have any questions feel free to ask!
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