G2 key number


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  • G2 key number

    Just purchased a G2A in good condition. I have only one key (looks original, with plastic cover). When looking online for a spare, it appears there is only one "universal" key available. Is this a "blank" that would then be taken to a hardware store for duplication, or is there truly only one key for all G2's?
    Typical parts listing is:
    For G1/G2/G8/G9/G11 Yamaha models, item KEY YA2 1916

    The number shown on the key in the part listing is 1916. The number on my key is A32543


  • #2
    Posted earlier by erikfj
    Just purchased a G2A in good condition. I have only one key (looks original, with plastic cover). When looking online for a spare, it appears there is only one "universal" key available. Is this a "blank" that would then be taken to a hardware store for duplication, or is there truly only one key for all G2's?
    Typical parts listing is:
    For G1/G2/G8/G9/G11 Yamaha models, item KEY YA2 1916

    The number shown on the key in the part listing is 1916. The number on my key is A32543

    If you take your key to a Yamaha dealer, they should be able to provide you with the correct blank based on the serial number on your key. They are about $5 bucks a pop.... then, any decent hardware store should be able to cut it for you....


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