g2 misfire help


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  • g2 misfire help

    g2 wont start, big misfire! flames out the carb. checked flywheel and woodruf key is ok. all wire check out good grounds too. any help?
    Updated by kido; February 10, 2012, 02:15 AM.

  • #2
    Did you get access to the manual?
    Have you found your problem?
    When was the last time this cart ran?


    • #3
      i got access to the manual and it ran a few months ago. ill do testing today


      • #4
        If I had to guess, it would be either carburetor is way dirty and worn out inside (needs rebuild) and valves are way off.


        • #5
          replaced coil, plug, igniter, cleaned carb. ohm tested pickup (ok) woodruff key on flywheel is good. all wiring looks ok.
          still misfires! I hooked up my timing light and it is strobbing supper fast! like 6-8 times faster than it should... full advanced spark? only thing I haven't replaced is the pickup. could faulty wiring be suspect. It sparks like this with the new and old parts...


          • #6
            I am now told after 10 hrs of work that it ran great before he replaced the starter/generater. after the repair it will not run.... must be wiring problem, im so done with working on this thing. any help would be appreciated.


            • #7
              love how helpful this site is! so many knowledgeable people!..........NOT!


              • #8
                Maybe the cart is fine and its just user error...


                • #9
                  yeah right! user error.... and what auto tech degree led you to that diagnosis?
                  For anyone who actually cares about fixing there cart with a similar problem my findings are that the ground circuit has a short to power somewhere, the ground fuse gets blown when you press the accelerator and then the ground circuit runs around 8 volts grounding thru one of the components. this in turn causes a ripple threw the ground circuit and to the igniter. Which makes a very fast and week spark. you may think this is a bad ignitor, its not! find the short and problem solved. fix that matti!
                  Updated by Michael Eddie; March 1, 2012, 07:54 PM. Reason: Removed name calling


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