G9 no fire


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  • G9 no fire

    Hello everyone. New to the site and looking for some help. I have a 93 yamaha G9 that has no fire. I replaced the solenoid cause one of the terminals broke as i tried to tighten a cable. Now that i have the new solenoid on i am getting no fire. I have 12 volts to the coil and i have a good ground, but no fire. The cart was running before i replaced the solenoid. The cart has been sitting for about 3 months before i replaced it. Do you think i have a bad coil or are there other possibities that i need to check first.

  • #2
    Hello, is there anyone out there willing to help?


    • #3
      Sorry that no one has come to your aid but it's Christmas time so you may have to cut people some slack here.
      I'm not a gas guy but I'll offer a few things up here.
      Have you checked the fuse?
      Does the motor turn over with the starter?
      Have you checked the accelerator stop switch, if it is open it won't start.
      Have you checked the connections on the ignitor?
      Updated by dougmcp; December 26, 2011, 04:22 PM.


      • #4
        Sorry, Didnt see this post. I do now though.

        So everything was working fine until you broke a post on the solenoid and replaced it? Or what happened, why did you start to mess with the solenoid, and also, when you hooked everything back up, did you go according to a wiring diagram. Did you make sure also that you didnt reverse the polarity on the battery connections (plus to plus, ground to ground)


        • #5
          Hello.My name is Cristian and i am new to this forum.I have a problem trying to make a g9 to start.First when i wanted to start the engine didn't spin.So i took the alternator belt off,and the altenator was spinning but the engine not.I took all the engine down an dissamble it.Something was stuck in there and that's why didn't spin.I put the engine back,i started the engine,it ran for 10 minutes and after that was dead.I am not managing to make it start again.It has power to spin,it has spark,fuel has.i tried all kind of diferent thing but noting seems to work.I take off the spark plug,and i put the finger in the hole and it blowing my finger out.i put gas in the spark hole,but it's like just want to start,but won't start.Any sugestion please?And sorry for my bad english


          • #6
            Hello,is anybody there to help me,please.Thanks


            • #7
              Really,nobody is available to help me?


              • #8
                Hello again everyone, just started back to work on my g9. I have replaced the solenoid and the coil. I have re-traced and re-wired the entire wiring harness did find one ground wire that had come loos from the rotor, but I still have no fire. I am getting a good ground everywhere im suppose to, getting 12 volts on both sides of the solenoid, at the wires goin into the ignitor that supplies the coil and 12 volts at the coil and at the coil wire. I am not getting any voltage at the ignitor for the wires that go to the rotor. Do I have a bad ignitor or do i need to check something else. Thanks in advance for all your help.
                Updated by hyperlite; August 11, 2012, 10:59 AM.


                • #9
                  Hi guys,
                  I finally got my G9 running, well it ran great for about 3 months. Now I am having an intermittent firing issue. It started with the cart having no fire when it was cold. If I kept the accelerator pressed for around 3 minutes it would start and run fine until engine cooled down, then same issue. Now nothing. Anybody have any suggestions?


                  • #10
                    By fire do you mean spark? You lose spark when the motor is cold? Is this a 2 or 4 stroke?


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