I`m new here. Have a G1 that I`m trying to work the bugs out. It set for a few years. Ran for awhile,found some bad wiring. Fixed that. Put new switch in. Thought solinoids were bad but found more faulty wiring. Fixed that. Cart ran decent. Than quit again. Solinoids are kicking in but not kicking in starter. I tried jumping starter from using a post from here. Didn`t get a good connection to the F2 and A1 posts with cables. However I put a jumper from the battery to the F2 turned key on, hit the accelerator pedal and the starter cranked over. Cart did not try to start though. Pulled off jumper and nothing. Solinoids kick in but nothing to starter. Any suggestions on where to look for my problem. Didn`t know if there might be a wire broke in starter from the F1 post or??????