I have a YDRE 2014 I think. the controller a Moric Model JW2-H6510-01 isn't passing pin 3 the solenoid ground to the solenoid


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  • I have a YDRE 2014 I think. the controller a Moric Model JW2-H6510-01 isn't passing pin 3 the solenoid ground to the solenoid

    I have a YDRE 2014 I think. the controller a Moric Model JW2-H6510-01 isn't passing pin 3 the solenoid ground to the solenoid, I was able to get the cart to work by bypassing that pin with a ground to the motor so the solenoid would kick in. does that mean the MCU is shot or can it be repaired? with the alternate ground the solenoid remains engaged so I have to set the tow-run switch to tow so it doesn't drain the batteries. is it safe to run it like this? the wire from the controller to the solenoid is good.

  • #2
    The controller contains a series of transistors and MOSFETs that control the flow of current to various parts of the cart including the solenoid. If the MOSFETs or associated transistors fail they may prevent the B- from reaching the solenoid, which in turn prevents the solenoid from engaging. Additionally, there is often a ground reference circuit within the controller that ties the B- line to the solenoid. If this ground circuit has an internal break or short, the solenoid will not receive the necessary ground signal to close the circuit and activate the motor.

    In short, the issue with the B- not reaching the solenoid should be related to a failure within the controller but there may be other factors at play as well. Replacing the controller may resolve the issue but if not further investigation into the cart's electrical components may be necessary.


    • #3
      Thanks for your reply. I’ll try to source a different controller.


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