G29 king pin removal


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  • G29 king pin removal

    I’m trying to replace the king pins and bushings in my G29. I’ve removed the cotter key and nut on the bottom, but the pin will not budge. Do you just have to beat it out or am I missing something?

  • #2
    You've done good so far, if your king pin bolt won't budge even after removing the cotter key and nut, don't worry; there are several effective ways to tackle this problem. If you haven't already, start by soaking the bolt in penetrating oil like PB Blaster or WD-40 and letting it sit for 15-20 minutes to break down any rust or debris. After that, tap the bolt with a mallet or a hammer with a block of wood to protect the bolt. Screw back on the nut to protect the threads while you hammer it. If it still won't move, applying heat with a propane torch around the bolt (but not directly on it) can expand the surrounding metal, making it easier to remove. For added effectiveness, follow up with some bolt freezer spray to create a rapid temperature change. If the bolt remains stubborn, using a C-clamp or a ball joint press to apply even pressure can help push it out. An impact driver might also do the trick, as the vibration and rotational force can break the bolt loose. Im attaching the guide to this post for further reading.

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    • #3
      Thanks for all the good info. I have already tried almost all of what you suggest. I even tried a sledge hammer from the bottom with the nut on the end to protect the threads. No luck. I ended up using a hack saw between the seal on each end and cutting off each end of the bolt. The spindle then came out easily and the long bushing that the bolt goes through dropped right out, with the cut off bolt still solidly stuck in it. I put all new bushings, seals, and bolts on both sides. Unfortunately, I still have the squeaky/crunching/knocking sound that I thought was caused by bad king pin bushings. What else would be creating this noise?


      • #4
        Well done. Most often squeaks and knocks usually boils down to a bushing, you could spray down the whole front suspension heavily with WD and the noise will likely go away, at least for a while. But instead of going all in like that, I’d spray down each bushing and joint patiently one at a time (starting from the bottom up to avoid drip down contamination) over the course of a few days/rides and listen until the squeak goes away. This will help you pinpoint the exact culprit area.


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