2001 Yamaha G16 wiring issues...PLEASE HELP


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  • 2001 Yamaha G16 wiring issues...PLEASE HELP

    Hello everyone,
    I stripped down a 2001 G16 and now cannot remember how it was wired. I downloaded what I think is a schematic but after wiring it according to what I have, it doesnt work. I know the following......key ignition is good. I can hear the solenoid engage.....battery pack pushing 37.6 volts

    Im hoping...no praying someone in here can help me. Below is the components of what's inside my golf cart. Controller is new.....solenoid is new.....batteries are new.....I just can't understand this schematic....Hoping someone can tell me how it's suppose to be wired....ANY help would be mucho appreciated

    Yamaha G16.png
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