What kind of motor is used in regenerative golf carts?


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  • What kind of motor is used in regenerative golf carts?


    I'm new here. I have a Yamaha AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) here, which is not really more than a golf cart that has been modified for autonomic driving.
    As an assigment for school (Automotive Engineering) I have to bring it back to life. It's totally trashed and hasn't been used since, like, 1995 or so.
    I need to make a motor controller for it, but i'm not sure what kind of motor it uses, and it's kinda hard to see.
    I know older golf carts use simple series motors, while the newer ones that are able to brake regenerative, use a different kind of motor.
    I suppose it's some kind of compound motor, either a cumulative or a interpole one but i'm not sure.
    Anyone familiar with the motors used in the newer golf carts? I suppose one specific kind of motor is used in all regenerative golf carts?

    Thanks for the help, cheers.

  • #2
    A Series wound motor was once used by all golf cart manufacturers, however, as time went on new features were developed in the golf carts which demanded a different motor. It is then when the Shunt wound motor was introduced. This electric motor is used in current golf carts that feature a Dynamic Braking / Regenerative Braking system.

    Most current golf carts manufactured come standard with a Shunt wound motor. While you can not interchange a Series wound motor with a Shunt wound motor, and vise versa, these motors can easily be identified by a long sensor wire that comes out the center of the Shunt wound motor.


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