Battery Storage


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  • Battery Storage

    Hello All,
    Newbie here to the site and to golf carts! I just bought a 2004 G22E and looking for some info on battery storage for the winter months up here is NY. I am wondering if I need to just throw it on charge once a month or throw something like this trickle charger on it and let it go. Any help or info would be greatly appreciated.


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  • #2
    Both approaches you mentioned are really good options for winter battery storage. If you're around and can manage it, keeping the batteries disconnected and charging them once a month will help keep them topped up.

    However, if you're looking for a more hands off approach, hooking them up to a low power battery minder or trickle charger is a great idea. This will keep your batteries topped off without needing constant attention. However, even with a trickle charger, it's not completely hands off. You'll still need to periodically check the water levels.The reason for this is that over time, batteries can lose water through evaporation, especially when they're being charged. Low water levels can damage the batteries and reduce their lifespan.

    If you prefer to be more involved and are around to do so, charging once a month is effective. If you’d rather set it and forget it, a trickle charger is a good solution. Either way, you'll be taking good care of your lead acid batteries.
    Updated by Michael Eddie; August 5, 2024, 03:50 PM.


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