2007 Yahama Electric slows are stopps on hills


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  • 2007 Yahama Electric slows are stopps on hills

    I just purchased a 2007 48 volt electric Yahama cart, the charger showes full charge but it goes extreamly slow up hills and after a few minutes of riding it cuts off on hill's, you can flip the tow/run switch from run to tow and back to run and it will go a few feet and shut off again, just bought the cart and was wondering wear to start with this problem.
    Updated by Jeffs67; March 31, 2014, 09:46 AM. Reason: Title

  • #2
    you should ahve 6x8volt batteries. check each battery while driving with dvm. this will help you find the battery that has a bad cell. what it sounds like to me.


    • #3
      wthompson, did you mean 8 x 6 volt batteries? I also have a 48 volt 2007 with 4 brand new 12volt Trojans. So far, it runs great and the only thing that I noticed is that as the charge goes down, the cart surges at about half to three quarter depression of the accelerator.


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