control box g16


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  • control box g16

    ok here the deal we bought a 1996 g16e from a guy he said it wasnt running when he got it got it fixed then he said it broke again ; his son said they used it for 3-4 years , his wife said it goes foward and not we checked batteries , solinoid(sp?)clicks when gas pedal is pushed in. tryed to jump it off
    motor didnt spend. checked all the connections tighten up what needed to be.tested motor by hooking last negative to a2 nothing happened.Any ideas?

  • #2
    how to test foward n reverse switch

    on a 1996 g16e how do we test the foward and reverse switch ?
    we just tested the motor by hooking b+ to a1 and b- to a2 and the motor spun . so now to figure out whats wrong ..thanks


    • #3
      Hi justme, When you shift into reverse does the reverse buzzer come on?


      • #4
        i'm not sure if it has a buzzer . the only time we got the motor to turn was to go direct bypassing everything. when i try to start it by turning the key when i press the acc. pedal it clicks but motor doesnt turn.


        • #5
          control box g16

          when we bought this g16 the wires were cut and some were spliced, looking at wiring digram can't tell which wires do go to the 4 plugins on box.
          Can someone tell which one go to the control box?
          This cart was setup for about two years, so we bought it and now we are trying to put back together.
          Updated by justme; July 20, 2008, 01:55 PM.


          • #6
            Should be the Yellow/Black wire, Yellow wire, Brown wire and Pink wire


            • #7
              So where does the white,blue and green go to?


              • #8
                jumped off the box and the motor ran . so i guess i need a new box now.


                • #9
                  Hi justme, I merged all your threads together to keep diagnostics in one spot.

                  Now hold on let me get this straight, you have just received the cart and as of now the cart will not move in fwd or reverse, all you are hearing is a click from the solenoid. Up to date, you have jumped the solenoid and the motor ran fine. But the cart is still not working. Is this right?


                  • #10
                    I jumped off the contoler box and the motor ran . So im guessing the axe box is not good .


                    • #11
                      yes we just got this cart from a friendas of now the cart doesnt do anything ,
                      only hear a click from solenoid when pedal is pressed. No when i jumped the solenoid nothing happened . but when i jumped the controller box the motor ran and cart went foward . so does this mean the box is bad?

                      Posted earlier by Matti
                      Hi justme, I merged all your threads together to keep diagnostics in one spot.

                      Now hold on let me get this straight, you have just received the cart and as of now the cart will not move in fwd or reverse, all you are hearing is a click from the solenoid. Up to date, you have jumped the solenoid and the motor ran fine. But the cart is still not working. Is this right?


                      • #12
                        The last thing you want to think is the problem is the controller, mostly because of the price hnoes: When you jumped the solenoid you ran a 6 gage wire across the large terminals of the solenoid, correct? The next thing to check is the F/R switch with a voltage meter.


                        • #13
                          right thats how i jumped the solenoid . the f/r switch when checked with meter it shows 36 volts on all 4 wires.


                          • #14
                            The last thing you can check on the yamaha is the switch near the gas pedal under the floor boards with a volt meter. If everything is reading fine with that, then I am going to have to agree that the controller is indeed toast.


                            • #15
                              I did check the foot pedal with a ohm meter and shows that it is working.
                              alltrax web site said to use the yellow on #1 white #2 green #3 pink on#4,blue not used,brown not used. So then i jumped the b- on controller to m- and win i hit the pedal the motor ran, flipped to rev and it ran.
                              So to me it is the controller is bad.


                              • #16

                                I went some of the sponsors websites and found the correct controller for my g16. It seems that the last place to work on this cart , was a cart place that deal in ez-go. So they ordered a alltrax controller for it. The alltrax only uses the yellow and the white, green and the pink,and not the blue ,brown wires.
                                The guy told me the box only lasted one year,and now it out again.
                                And when i get the chance, I will get the right control box for it.


                                • #17
                                  Posted earlier by justme
                                  I went some of the sponsors websites and found the correct controller for my g16. It seems that the last place to work on this cart , was a cart place that deal in ez-go. So they ordered a alltrax controller for it. The alltrax only uses the yellow and the white, green and the pink,and not the blue ,brown wires.
                                  The guy told me the box only lasted one year,and now it out again.
                                  And when i get the chance, I will get the right control box for it.
                                  Glad to hear it good luck justme! You should take pictures of the install and post em up, we can create an article out of them. :cool:


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