Cart stopped no sound or movement after short ride. Batteries full charge and over 48v, what are the steps to start to diagnose the problem. In reverse only hear buzzer....How /what do we start with solenoid, controller and motor ?
Updated by Kurat; June 29, 2013, 09:19 AM.
Reason: No activity, newer cart model
wiring diagram is attached for G19E. Do you hear the solenoid click when you press the accelerator with cart in forward? If not check for 48 volts on the solenoid small wires +R/Y and -R/B. Let us know what you find. There is a fuse in the control circuit, but if the reverse buzz sounds it should be good.
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Actually it I believe it is a G 22e cart if that matters. No noise when key on and pushing accelerator. Measrued 48 volts across small wires on solenoid. 3amp fuse is good. Jeff