G16E won't go uphill


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  • G16E won't go uphill

    1st time owner of a golf cart. I purchased a g16e and it runs good, but won't go uphill. If you get a running start it will go uphill, but if I stop at bottom of the hill then go forward it will go but after a bit, it stops climbing and I can barely hear a whining sound.
    It runs great on flat ground.
    I am a newbie and could use all the help I can get.

  • #2
    Electric golf carts rely heavily on their battery systems to function effectively, akin to how an engine drives a conventional vehicle. These batteries serve as the primary power source, supplying the necessary electrical energy to drive the cart's motor and propel it forward. However, when these batteries age or are not adequately maintained, they fail to deliver the required power output, resulting in a range of performance issues, particularly when tackling uphill terrain. Insufficient power delivery due to aged batteries or dirty connections can severely impact the cart's ability to climb hills smoothly, often manifesting as a loss of power or a noticeable whining sound emanating from the motor as it struggles to cope with the increased load.

    A fully charged 8 volt or 6 volt battery should read around 8.5 volts and 6.4 volts respectively. At a 50% state of charge, these readings drop to approximately 7.8 volts for an 8 volt battery and 5.9 volts for a 6 volt battery. When batteries reach this level of discharge, they cannot provide the same level of power output, leading to diminished performance and potential issues like struggling to climb hills. Here is a thread with instructions on how to diagnose this issue further. If you have any specific or additional questions feel free to ask!
    Updated by Michael Eddie; April 25, 2024, 06:34 PM.


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