sun classic wont go, nothing. please help.


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  • sun classic wont go, nothing. please help.

    Help. Need help troubleshooting the electric on a 1990 yamaha sun classic 36 volt cart.

    Replaced the batteries, charged them, test drove it around the block, everything was cool. It has been sitting for 2 days, and I have checked the battery voltage about 4 times a day.

    Voltage is 39.4 volts. I was going to drive it today, and it doesn't run.

    All the electric accesories work fine. When I turn the key on, it doesn't matter if it is in forward or reverse, i get nothing! No click no sound, nothing.

    There is so much electrical wirng and components on this thing, it is overwelming.

    Can some one walk me thru a step by step process on what to check ?

    I am desperate here. Please help.

  • #2
    The Yamaha Sun Classic is just a standard G2 or G8 36v resistor cart with accessories.
    The process is similar with every electric cart, check the voltage, check the control circuit then check the power circuit.
    Ignore the accessories on the cart, whether they work or not is irrelevant to the operation of the cart itself.
    The wiring diagrams are:
    G2 here: Yamaha G2 Wiring
    G8 here: Yamaha G8 Wiring
    Updated by dougmcp; February 20, 2012, 11:30 PM.


    • #3
      Doug : I appreciate the wiring diagrams, Thanks.

      Can you help me witha step by step to eliminate things? Alot of the time, these answers seem vague.

      When you say check this , then this, is there somewhere I can find out the verbage so I can go through a trouble shooting procesS?

      Example, when you say check the f/r switch. There can be mnay ways to interpret that. I am looking for " take a volt meter and touch positive to so and so, etc.

      I don't know wher to start with this situation. I know the battery voltage is good, but that is as far as I can go with my limited knowledge.


      • #4
        Doug : The model of this sun classic is a G5E.

        That is the only manual I have seen that has this particular battery wiring set up.

        Now that we know for sure it is a G5E, can you walk me thru the correct sequence, in order, what and how to check?

        First step, is the voltage of the battery pack is 39 volts, ok. Next, How and what to check? ( also I see 2 solenoids on this cart, one on each side of the battery compartment).


        • #5
          I can help trace it out but need the correct schematic does the G8 look close


          • #6
            None look close, definately not the G8.

            This is a G5E 1991 sun classic 36 volt J51-100---

            From yamaha website,, go to service, view owners manuals-
            Type in 1991- golf cars-- Sun Classic 36 volt electric (G5E)

            download and go to page 81. That is supposedly the wiring diagram.

            I am completely exhasberated. Please help


            • #7
              Well I see why your having trouble the schematic is wrong !

              in the center of the drawing there are two connectors, the upper one on the right find R1 follow that wire it turns into P ? There are two wires marked R one of them goes to R1 and then there is R


              • #8
                Ok go to the main solenoid (they call it a relay) put your neg lead of the meter to the black wire and the positive side of your meter to the battery pack positive you should read pack voltage.


                • #9
                  also you stated there are two solenoids there are not two solenoids in this schematic


                  • #10
                    Is there a battery light on? and what is a check unit ? this is a resistor cart correct.


                    • #11
                      I just emailed you pictures. As far as a battery lite? Not following you. ALL electrical accesories work, horn,blinker tail lites, lites, radio, windshield wiper etc when you turn on the key.

                      Definately a 91 G5E by the serial number.

                      When i step on the gas pedal, there is NO sound, no click etc, I put my - lead on a - battery, and the + lead on each of the fat wires that are going to the soleniod that is mounted next to the f/r switch, and get 37 volts on each fat wire terminal. I tried jumping a wire between the 2 terminals on this solenoid, and nothing.
                      I have the rear wheels off the ground. While i am jumping these 2 fat terminals, do i need to ALSO press on the gas pedal or not?

                      These are the basic instructions that nobody gives.


                      • #12
                        ok, the second solenoid, the one next to the controller, is operated by a push button on the steering column. According to the cart owner, you push this button if you want to go faster.

                        Right now, the cart still does not run, if you push that button or not. However when you puch that button, you can hear that solenoid click.

                        But when you push the gas pedal, we still hear nothing or get nothing from the other solenoid.


                        • #13
                          ok take a fused jumper wire and run it from the ++48 volt pack to the red wire on the solenoid does it click


                          • #14
                            Ok, this is a 36 volt cart, does that make a difference? It is not a 48 volt.

                            What is a ++ ?
                            I am not following you, Do i touch just ONE positive ( any positive battery terminal? that would be 6 volts.)


                            • #15
                              Also when you say to the red wire on the solenoid, are you rederring to the BIG FAT red wire? Is the key suppose to be on or off? Is someone suppose to be stepping on the gas pedal?

                              Sorry, but these are details that i refer to when I say they are vague.


                              • #16
                                Can the wire be a #12 wire? Do i just touch the red wire or am i clamping it on?


                                • #17
                                  little red wire


                                  • #18
                                    12 is plenty and touch and hold for a second listen for click


                                    • #19
                                      Did you get all the pictures I sent you? The solenoid Has the following wires on it :

                                      One Fat red wire on a big terminal
                                      One Fat black wire on a terminal.
                                      One skinny grren wire on a small terminal
                                      One skinny black wire on a terminal.

                                      There is also a small device ( similar looking to a fuse) that is hooked from one small terminal to the other small terminal.

                                      I tried to gat close up pictures for you, and sent them to your website.

                                      In my last 2 responses I was asking for clarification from you, about jumping something.



                                      • #20
                                        So am i touching green or black terminal? where is the other end of my jumper wire touching?


                                        • #21
                                          Ok im lost the schematic shows red/white and black wires going to solenoid coil, one of your pictures also show this solenoid.


                                          • #22
                                            There are 2 solenoids. The one by the drivers side, lets forget because it clicks when you push that extra speed button.

                                            The other solenoid is NEXT to the f/r switch. You shoud see that in the pictures. There are NO white wires going to this. Big fat red wire coming from main postive post of closest battery.

                                            There is big fat black wire going to the controller.

                                            There is skinny green wire that goes to what appears to be a small micro switch that the gas pedal linkage is hooked to.

                                            There is skinny black wire that goes to a nylon connector then disapperas in a wiring harness. No white wires. Does this tell you anything?


                                            • #23
                                              I really don't know that is not on the schematic.

                                              now red/white means red with a white stripe

                                              There was lots more info in what I wrote
                                              when I say
                                              take a fused jumper wire and run it from the ++48 volt pack to the red wire on the solenoid does it click

                                              ++ 48 pack is all the batteries (Pack) + is positive 48 is volts and pack is all batteries

                                              does it click
                                              this will always mean the small wires, its the coil, when the coil pulls in it clicks.

                                              does your schematic show a solenoid with green wire going to it ??


                                              • #24
                                                Soory, I don't understand why we are not communicating here.

                                                I have a 36 volt cart, not a 48 volt cart.

                                                + is positive, what is ++? Don't understand, sorry.

                                                There is no solenoids on any scematic i have or seen, unless it is referred to as something else.

                                                Answer this - wher do i touch the end of my jumper wire to? To a battery terminal? Not following you when you say touch it to the pack?

                                                And you are tellng me to touch the other end of my jumper wire to one of the small terminals, right? I have a 50/50 chance of touching the correct small terminal since there are only 2 of them. One has a green wire and the other has a black wire.

                                                Does it matter which one i touch? I said where those 2 small wires are going.


                                                • #25
                                                  yea 48 was my mistake just plug in 36
                                                  just emphasizing plus
                                                  yes one of my first posts says they call it a relay
                                                  plus 36 and pack should tell you something

                                                  50/50 now that's funny, but I said red wire and that's 100%
                                                  its really red/white but your relay is a different color???

                                                  look at the G8 schematic doug posted it is almost the same as yours less all the lights horns and extra bulbs for display. you only need to work on the motor, controller, relay section.


                                                  • #26
                                                    There is also a stop switch (brake sw) does the brake release when you push the go pedal. or do you release it manually??


                                                    • #27
                                                      Your killing me smalls

                                                      Ok you agree its a 36 volt . cool, progress.

                                                      Now in my last post i was asking where to touch each end of this jumper wire. Can you please answer that for me? Each end.

                                                      I can send you another picture of the 4 wires i have described, if you still think there is a small red wire there.

                                                      green and black are the choices, and as i said i described where those two wires go.

                                                      If you set the brake pedal, when you tap on the gas pedal, it releases the brake pedal. Some signifigance here?


                                                      • #28
                                                        ok i am looking at BOTH diagrams that Doug posted for me.

                                                        One diagram (g8E) has defferent battery arrangement, does that matter?

                                                        The other diagram shows a wire running from the relay to the f/r switch. My cart DOES NOT HAVE THAT WIRE ON IT> My cart goes from that "relay" ( this is what i have been calling a solenoid all day) to the controller. ( big fat black wire. Different from Dougs drawings.

                                                        So I am missing what it is that you want me to look at Dougs drawings for?


                                                        • #29
                                                          ok i took a chance and ran a wire from the positive of a battery to the green wire on the "relay" it clicked. I tried this with the cart jacked up in the rear, in reverse, with key on and also key off.

                                                          All i got was a click, nothing more.

                                                          whats next? what did that tell us or eliminate?


                                                          • #30
                                                            Ok im back

                                                            it tell us were not getting voltage and the coil is good two things to do now
                                                            1 do the test one more time and push on the go pedal
                                                            2 follow the green wire and see where it goes splice or something


                                                            • #31
                                                              just about bet on the stop switch


                                                              • #32
                                                                i turned the key on, jumped from positive terminal to green wire terminal on the "relay", while my wife stepped on gas pedal. All that happenened was the relay would click, just like before.

                                                                Followed the green wire, it goes and splices to an orange wire, that hooks to the micro switch that the gas pedal is hooked to.


                                                                • #33
                                                                  1 you need to make sure the speed controller is moving when you step on the pedal

                                                                  2 you need to check the switch on the pedal see if it has power and use ohm meter on it.

                                                                  3 jump the large terminals on the solenoid and see if it runs

                                                                  4 the orange wire could it be an old red wire with a white stripe, on the pedal switch any red wires with white stripe.

                                                                  now you have two problems solenoid will not actuate and main power circuit


                                                                  • #34
                                                                    Gaminde : First of all, THANK YOU so much for your time and PATIENCE.

                                                                    Apparently a previous owner addes and wired all kinds of crap to this cart, that is why alot of wires are wrong colors etc.

                                                                    Any diagram i try to follow, does not match this thing.

                                                                    So far, this is what i have found:

                                                                    I need to turn key on, put cart in gear, raised rear end off ground, run a jumper wire from the "solenoid/relay [/COLOR]by drivers side controller, to the other side of the cart to the passenger side relay/solenoid, [/COLOR]small terminal, AND hold down the momentary contact push button by the steering wheel, the motor will turn. apparently somehow, we have lost power to the small terminal on the passenger side solenoid.

                                                                    So by going thru all this, the motor will turn, solenoids work, if i feed power to passenger side one.

                                                                    I have lost power to the passenger side solenoid. When I would jump this solenoid, i wass jumping it with 6 volts, and it was kicking in.

                                                                    How much voltage is suppose to be on this?

                                                                    What do you call the thinh that the micro switch is attached to, it is attached to the accelerator pedal?
                                                                    Updated by redman34; February 22, 2012, 12:37 AM.


                                                                    • #35
                                                                      on my diagram from yamaha, the one i asked you to download yesterday, what is this thing towards the top that is called "CHECK UNIT"?

                                                                      What is it?
                                                                      Where is it located on the cart?

                                                                      What is its function?


                                                                      • #36
                                                                        This is my 300th Post wahoo!!

                                                                        My bad again g2 schematic is the one that is close. if you look at that and the g5 one, you will start to pick out the items that are the same.

                                                                        1st did you check the things in my last post and what readings did you get?

                                                                        2nd Check unit I asked you about that yesterday!

                                                                        3rd your best bet now is start at the solenoid, follow the green wire to the switch using your meter with the negative lead on the pack -36 volts look for voltage, then follow the wires from the switch to the next part and look for voltage there and so on making notes on what you found, where it is, and wire colors, normClosed, normOpen, and common.


                                                                        • #37
                                                                          My friend, you and me are like oil and water.

                                                                          WHAT AND WHERE IS A CHECK UNIT?


                                                                          • #38
                                                                            Posted earlier by gaminde
                                                                            This is my 300th Post wahoo!!


                                                                            • #39
                                                                              Posted earlier by gaminde
                                                                              Is there a battery light on? and what is a check unit ? this is a resistor cart correct.
                                                                              Yesterday I asked the above its on the schematic and if the battery light is on then this unit is stopping the cart from running maybe you should charge the batteries and restart from there.


                                                                              • #40
                                                                                There is no battery lite on.

                                                                                There is no power to the primary of the relay/solenoid.

                                                                                So nobody actually knows what "check unit" is? You asked me, I asked you, and still have not got an answer as to what this is?


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