Basic Newbie G22E Questions


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  • Basic Newbie G22E Questions

    I bought a 2007 G22E electric cart and I have some basic questions.

    This cart runs 12 MPH top speed with stock diameter trims and tires. Can the controller/motor be programed to go faster, and if so, how much faster?

    What is the largest rim/tire size that can be installed on this cart without any suspension lift.

    Is the jake lift kit (3 inch) the best value for a mild lift for this cart?

    When these carts have over sized rims and tires added, does it significantly reduce their towing ability ?

    Thanks for the info, Mark

  • #2
    to GCF Mark!
    The factory setting is 12mph but they can be increased to 15-18mph by the Yamaha dealer with a programmer.
    The largest tire you can put on your cart without lifting is a 20" diameter tire. The stock size is 17"-18".
    Jakes makes a good lift as well as Allsports.
    These carts are pretty limited in power so any increase in tire diameter will give you more speed at the expense of torque (towing ability).
    Example: If you change to a 20" tire from an 18" tire your speed will increase about 15% and your torque will decrease the same amount.
    Updated by dougmcp; November 17, 2011, 02:19 PM.


    • #3
      i plan to do a lift on my cart and was told to go with Jake's


      • #4
        Doug, Thanks for the info. For future reference, should I decide I want to increase the power of my cart, what motor/controller is recommended and compatable. What are the best vendors from which to purchase aftermarket equipment and get good customer service.
        Thanks again


        • #5
          Posted earlier by Go Time
          Doug, Thanks for the info. For future reference, should I decide I want to increase the power of my cart, what motor/controller is recommended and compatable. What are the best vendors from which to purchase aftermarket equipment and get good customer service.
          Thanks again
          The choice people seem to prefer for controllers is Alltrax but things change from time to time. I would wait until you are closer to your purchases for recommendations of suppliers as they change as well.
          We learn something new every day here and if a new product or supplier pops up I'd hate to recommend one when another may be a better choice.


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