Maintenance vs No Maintenance batts...?


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  • Maintenance vs No Maintenance batts...?

    I'm new to carts and recently purchased a 08 Drive. I plan to take the cart off pavement (corn fields, wooded areas) nothing extreme. I was wonder about the use of a sealed battery vs the ones that require distilled water, as the cart will be bounced from time-to-time.

    Is there a loss in power, added weight, loss in life span?


  • #2
    I do not think that they make deep cycle golf cart batteries that are sealed. But distilled water and caps is the way to go, everyone has that setup. DougMCP may be able to elaborate some more on this.


    • #3
      They make sealed golf cart batteries but I'm not sure if they are available in 12v.
      Sealed batteries would require a different charger with a unique cahrging curve and cutoff voltage. They are about 2 or 3 times the cost of regular lead acid batteries and generally do not give the same range.
      Until the cost comes down not many are willing to entertain them.
      Jostling your cart should not cause a spill but if you are having a problem you can either get new seals for your current caps, order new ones or go to a product called water miser battery caps.
      The water miser battery caps are expensive ($120) but people swear by them.
      They look like this:


      • #4
        Thanks for the info! Now I just to need to make sure and watch the maintenance on the batts.
        Thanks again!


        • #5
          Posted earlier by YelloSub
          Thanks for the info! Now I just to need to make sure and watch the maintenance on the batts.
          Thanks again!
          You can't watch maintenance, you have to participate in it....


          • #6
            LOL, yeah there is always someone in the crowd just waiting.


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