67 HD gas cart


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  • 67 HD gas cart

    I have spent three weeks rebuilding the engine on my unit. It runs 4 blocks and burns the points, I believe due to someone routing around a diode and a resistor on the charging side (I have the siba starter/gen). The points are getting too much voltage. Does anyone know where I can find these two things new? I found a diagram on line so I kinda know where they go.

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  • #2
    Post your diagram, and your looking for the diode and resistor ? Is there a capacitor in the points circuit ?


    • #3
      No, there is no capacitor. the diode is mounted on the starter solenoid, and attaches to the green small wire coming from the generator. I have found the resistor on vintagegolfcarts.com. Another problem I had, not sure why but the condenser was hooked up to the positive side of the coil. I'm surprised it ran at all. The diagram is at vintage golf cart site, listed under 67 to early 68. Not sure how to paste!


      • #4
        Do not see the Resistor or Diode
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        • #5
          Wrong diagram. I'ts under" 1968 D diagram". Bottom of schematic says 67 to 68.. Sorry for being a computer dunce


          • #6
            Hi Fairlead, I just wanted to say that you did a fantastic job on the engine! Great color choice, I like it a lot!


            • #7
              Thanks for the complement. Taking my gas tank and muffler to the body shop today to get the explosion damage fixed. Gaminde here's the diagram. I seek the diode!

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              • #8
                Here's a before photo....

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                • Michael Eddie
                  Michael Eddie commented
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                  Wow what a difference! Good looks!

              • #9
                Have you clipped on a digital volt meter and checked the voltage to the battery as your going down the road? These work well.

                Updated by nubs; April 22, 2014, 05:46 AM.


                • #10

                  Very Nice


                  • #11
                    12 volt systems require either a resistor in series with the coil or a coil with a built-in resistor. That reduces the current to around 1 amp (you should read around 6 volts across a coil requiring a resistor when the points are closed with a resistor installed). Use points designed for a Harley golf cart. They have less spring pressure than normal car points, therefore wear slower. You do not want to wear out the point cam, so grease it well. .A Pulstar spark plug will eliminate a lot of misfire due to poorly adjusted carburetor. It will also foul less. The government has screwed with the public and forced alcohol gasoline on us. If you use alcohol gasoline, then double the oil in your gasoline to reduce wall scaring and broken rings. Yes, it will make your machine smoke more. Try to find alcohol free gasoline instead.


                    • Dandy
                      Dandy commented
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                      I have a 67 Harley gas cart that pulls super good in reverse but not hardly at all in forward. Any suggestions?

                  • #12
                    I have also rebuilt my 74 engine but I'm have trouble getting it started, can anybody help me out.


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