New Golf Cart Manufacturer


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  • New Golf Cart Manufacturer

    Hey guys,

    I'm the owner of Apex Electric Vehicles in Florida. I design and manufacture new custom golf carts, currently offering two models with a third in development. I'm new to online forums, but I'm excited to share pictures and videos of my designs, get feedback, and connect with fellow enthusiasts.
    My goal is to create designs that stand out and push boundaries while incorporating cutting-edge technology and prioritizing safety.

    By selling directly to consumers, I eliminate intermediaries and additional costs, offering a single price for fully customized carts tailored to individual needs, no additional costs for adding accessories or wanting something personable. Its one price for what you want. My company was geared on a family safety first approach. Using carts more for recreational, family outtings, I feel the industy is lacking the foward thinking and not pushing safety aspects. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and sharing some of my hard work.

    - Seth
    CEO of Apex EV

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    Updated by ApexEV; November 20, 2023, 10:54 PM.
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