Zone Electric charging system


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  • Zone Electric charging system

    Help! I recently purchased a 2010 Zone Electric golf car. The thing is literally brand new with the plastic wrap still on the seats.

    After I had the thing a couple of days, I discovered that the built in charger would not charge the batteries.

    Since the thing sat unused for quite a while I figured that the batteries might have issues, so I pulled them all out and took them to the local Interstate dealer to have them checked. It is a 48V cart with 8 6volt deep cycle batteries. All of the batteries charged fine at the interstate dealer and all passed the load test.

    When I was reinstalling the batteries, I noticed that there was a loose wire in the battery compartment that I had not seen when I pulled the batteries out. I had very carefully drawn a wiring diagram and position of the batteries when I removed them so I know I did not disconnect this wire, but somebody had messed with the batteries before I bought the cart so I am assuming they disconnected this wire and forgot to reconnect it.

    My question is this: Where the heck does this wire go? The wire is white with an orange stripe and has a connector on the end of it that looks like it goes on a battery post. It has a yellow collar on the end of the wire with the number 12 on it, and the wire is encased in a heavier black sheath almost like a piece of shrink tubing. I know I can probably trace the wire back to it's source, but I thought I anybody had one of these carts (Zone electric) they could take a look at theirs and let me know where it goes.

    Thanks in advance if anyone can help.

  • #2
    I had the same unknown wire. Mine was green however.. no power to the radio. Actually power was only six the radio power plug. 12 volt car radios do not work with just 6 volts

    However the acc.plug on the right side of dash was alive with 12 v olts. The fix was to use the 12 volts to the accessory plug to power the 12 Volt radio. If Anyone has an electrical diagram to a 48 volt 2009 machine, let me know


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