Western golf cart controller fire (1986+/-)


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  • Western golf cart controller fire (1986+/-)

    I was returning to my cart after the 9th hole and I see fire come from it. Opening the seat I find the phenolic plate holding the 4 stud post where the wires go to the speed controller is on fire. I had rebuilt the controller 8 years ago and it has run good since then. So I had to replace the batteries this year and this fire happened the forth time the cart was used.

    So, I rebuilt the controller again and replaced all the wires that were burned. Then I tested it with a fire extinguisher on board. It ran great and snappy. After the test I checked the wiring and in feeling the 4 stud post on the controller I find they were warm. So I measured their temperature with a digital thermo. and the hottest one was 122 degree F and coolest one was 104 dgrees F.

    My question is: Is this normal, or is something else wrong?

    Any help or suggestions would be appreciated before I going golfing with it.
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    Updated by hlyman; September 22, 2012, 03:02 PM. Reason: change Title
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