EVE Fairplay how to lube transaxle?


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  • EVE Fairplay how to lube transaxle?

    A friend has a EVE Fairplay, and it needs transaxle lube.

    (It is also leaking lube at a seal, but I think we can cure that.)

    The user manual does not give very useful information, and we have not found anything elsewhere.

    Does anyone have a picture or directions on exactly where to find or how to get to the fill plug?

    Would like to have some idea of what needs to disassembled, etc to get to
    the fill plug.

    Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    08-03-12--UPDATE: Since posting the above, we have found the location of the fill plug. It is located on the front side of the transaxle/differential housing about at the level of the axle housings. The plug is vented -- easy to locate when feeling for it on the front side of the transaxle from below. A 17 mm deep socket and short handle ratchet will take it off.

    We removed the basket behind the seat, and the cover that is directly over the motor -- easy to do with Phillips screwdrivers, and then you can look directly down on top of the plug -- also easy to fill from above. Never found any specs on the amount of gear lube, but we put 2 quarts in until it reached the plug level.

    The leak we fixed with J-B Weld, as it was at what appeared to be the intermediate gear bearing seal, which is exposed slightly where the bottom of the motor case meets the transaxle housing. This fix is btw the way golf cart service guys said they would fix it absent the parts (i.e., the seal).

    If anyone wants to know how we applied the J-B Weld for this fix, we would be glad to give more details or a picture.

    This is the Fairplay that has a 4.4 KW motor, rated to to run 25 mph, so it is classified as a NEV -- although commonly used as a golf cart.
    Updated by TXcarguy; August 3, 2012, 06:28 PM.

  • #2
    I'm not sure if your still around this site but I believe I am experiencing the same issue with the leaking bearing seal. If you have any tips or advise before I try to repair this please help thanks!


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