slow ezgo 2004 I believe


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  • slow ezgo 2004 I believe

    This cart has been seating awhile and I bought it on a auction. It needed batteries. Installed new batteries and cables. Yes they are in corretly. I have checked them ten different times.

    The cart works fine other then it is slow same speed forward and reverse 5mph. BTY I put new interstate 232 ah batteries in it. ON the checks for the controller I have no black wire on the 10 pin connector. Also I have a 10 pin connector on this pds cart. According to the test this should only be on the DCS cart.(I believe).

    The also did do the diagonsic test. I recieve just one plan beat. Looking at the chart, I believe it should be a one or two beeps followed by a beep or a couple of beeps.

    Ihave checked the cart over with a volt meter several times. When you hook the postive cable from the volt meter to the bt terminal on the controller and the negitive to the a1 terminal on the controller and step on the pedal the voltage goes from 38 voltage to 19/18 volts and stay there. If I do this test an another cart the voltage goes from 38 volts to 0 and have a fast speed. Where mins stays at 19 volts and is slow.

    Anyone have a guess. Like I say the cart works fine, but it is just slow.



  • #2
    sounds to me like your drive belt is worn to thin. try replacing it and i think you'll find it will move faster........


    • #3
      Electric carts have no belts. Possibly dragging brakes.
      Updated by kogieblack; December 7, 2010, 02:28 AM.


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