Clutch Tool Size? Thread?


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  • Clutch Tool Size? Thread?

    I'm new to this forum & don't know much about golf carts but I'm quickly learning. I'm working on a older model EZGO gas 2cycle ,I'm not sure of the year I think it's a 1980 model. I need to get the clutch off ,I do not have a tool for this ,I could easily make one if I new what size it is & the thread count. I tried a 3/4" fine thread & it seamed to big ,I know a 5/8" is to small. any body have one they could measure? I hate to spend $30.00 on a tool I may only use 1 or 2 times. That's money that could be going to my project cart. Thanks..James.

  • #2
    Hi James. People who have made a clutch puller use a 2 inch 3/4" diameter fine thread bolt and a solid spacer. If you are unsure about it, purchase the clutch puller. $30 is much less than spending $250 on the clutch and $500 on the crank shaft plus labor to replace if done wrong.

    We have an updated method for removal here scroll to post # 31
    Updated by Michael Eddie; May 25, 2024, 03:18 PM.


    • #3
      I must be on the wrong site? I found a clutch set up for $200 on line. I don't know about the crank but I rebuilt the top end including replacing the piston ,jug,bearing rings etc. I bought the kit at justice golf cart for $175. I do my own labor. I have access to a machine shop & thought somebody might know the size ,if I screw it up I'll fix it. if I do buy one I will post what size it is & maybe help someone else out. Thanks for your suggestion.


      • #4
        I didn't go into my parts manual and look up the prices, I just posted an average to give you a point. I just don't want you breaking anything that's all.


        • #5
          Do I need a special tool to remove centri Clutch? Thanks in advance... HV


          • #6
            I had to figure out the clutch thing with a friend's 1992 Cart with the EH35C engine. Yet this is the threading upon the clutch unit. It turns out to exactly be a 3/4"- 16 or 16 threads per/inch. That is the finer thread as indicated. To make a clutch tool I used a 2 inch threaded bolt and made a piece of steel which is not at hand for me to measure but is about 3&1/2 inches long. To remove the clutch I needed a strong impact wrench as the usual 1/2 inch impact drivers I had nor the electric Kobalt were not strong enough at 120lb/square inch of air pressure. I bought a Harbor Freight Earthquake 1/2 inch that develops 700 ft lbs of torque. That did remove it. Be careful that the spacer rod is not too soft as this requires several tons of pressure and you do not want that to crush blocking access..


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