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  • steering

    i have play in my idler arm on top and bottom. and it looks like the plates that are welded to the frame are wore out. would those be bad or would it be the bushing in the arm it self.

    thanks jeff

  • #2
    It is hard to tell with out looking, is the rubber around busing itself broken? Is it leaking grease? Did the problem start to happen over time or did you hit something?


    • #3
      i think it has been over time, but you could tell there was alot of play when i put the lift on. the steering wheel has aleast 1/4 or more of free play. put you can see that idler arm move on top and bottom. it might be leaking grease not sure the cart is 600 miles away. would the bolts that hold the arm on be getting wore out and causes it to move in the hole?
      my bro is up there now i could have him look at it.


      • #4
        If you cant tell where it is coming from... Have someone steer the wheel back and forth, and have another person look under at the system and see where the movement is coming from.

        If it is indeed a busing and not loose parts, id try to replace the whole part because usually the bushings are pressed in. If the part is welded however, you might want to have your friend ask his dealer to help him out on getting it off and replaced.


        • #5
          its for sure the idler arm you can see it move on top and bottom when you move the steering wheel. i do you replace it and where can i get one?


          • #6
            I need some more information to say. What year is it?


            • #7
              its a 1993 ezgo marathon


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