Robin EH29C Engine


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  • Robin EH29C Engine

    I have a 2000 golf cart with a bad engine. I don't think the core is useable so trading for a rebuilt engine doesn't seem like a good option. I wanted to see if anyone has a damaged cart with a good engine they would consider selling. I am located in Georgia.

    Thanks in advance

    Table of Contents:
    • EH29c and EH35c Engine Diagrams [Post #9]
    • How to Adjust the Valves [Post #13]
    • Engine Rebuild Book [Post #20]
    • Ignitor Issues [Post #28]
    • Oil in Air Filter Compartment [Post #29]
    • How to Remove the Drive Clutch [Post #31]
    • Internal Engine Component Unusual Contact [Post #32]
    Updated by Michael Eddie; August 17, 2024, 10:19 AM.

  • #2
    drew, I put the first message in the Wanted section, I'll let you keep a copy here too if you'd like. Also, there were some pretty good robin engine deals on ebay you should check out.


    • #3
      i would think about doing an engine swap of another brand.the robin engines are junk.


      • #4
        Posted earlier by fidgeman12866
        i would think about doing an engine swap of another brand.the robin engines are junk.
        LOL. I think the engines get lonely and like the attention when they get older.


        • #5
          my 95 ez go is blowing air and fuel out of the carb . i am a machinist and welder so i am mechanically inclined. what is wrong with my cart


          • #6
            Posted earlier by
            my 95 ez go is blowing air and fuel out of the carb . i am a machinist and welder so i am mechanically inclined. what is wrong with my cart i think it has jumped timing.
            do you think this could be the problem
            Updated by Michael Eddie; April 7, 2024, 11:01 PM.


            • #7
              Posted earlier by
              my 95 ez go is blowing air and fuel out of the carb . i am a machinist and welder so i am mechanically inclined. what is wrong with my cart
              Hi ken, It means that it is time for a valve adjustment, and if that does not fix it then you are going to have to rebuild the whole engine and replace all the piston rings, valve seals, seals, and stuff. Yes it is a sorta large job, but unfortunately when these engines wear out everything goes.


              • #8
                I think the timing belt is stretched as i can freely turn the idler with my finger.I can't get the timing belt cover off cause the clutch is in the way.Like I said I am a machinist so what does the puller for the clutch consist of. Also how do you establish the timing marks on the camshaft to crankshaft? I think the puller consists of a 3/4-16 bolt drilled and tapped to 7/16-20 if I am correct I can Make one. Am I correct?


                • #9
                  Posted earlier by
                  I think the timing belt is stretched as i can freely turn the idler with my finger.I can't get the timing belt cover off cause the clutch is in the way.Like I said I am a machinist so what does the puller for the clutch consist of. Also how do you establish the timing marks on the camshaft to crankshaft? I think the puller consists of a 3/4-16 bolt drilled and tapped to 7/16-20 if I am correct I can Make one. Am I correct?
                  Here is the engine diagrams EZGO Robin EH29 and EH35C (Gas) Engine Diagrams - Golf Carts Forum
                  Updated by Michael Eddie; March 28, 2024, 03:49 PM.


                  • #10
                    Thanks a bunch Great job.


                    • #11
                      You're welcome


                      • #12
                        How do I adjust valves?


                        • #13
                          I'm going to have to make an article on this. It is really hard to explain with out pictures. But the correct valve setting is at .004" (golf course use) or for constant driving .006"

                          Here is another method to adjust the valves
                          Updated by Michael Eddie; March 28, 2024, 11:31 AM.


                          • #14
                            Matti I have a ez go cart with a robin engine it seems to turn over like it don't have any compression.It has good spark but it will not start.Can you help


                            • #15
                              Posted earlier by
                              Matti I have a ez go cart with a robin engine it seems to turn over like it don't have any compression.It has good spark but it will not start.Can you help
                              Please check your other thread you made


                              • #16
                                Posted earlier by
                                my 95 ez go is blowing air and fuel out of the carb . i am a machinist and welder so i am mechanically inclined. what is wrong with my cart
                                Your timing belt is not correctly installed.


                                • #17
                                  Posted earlier by
                                  I think the timing belt is stretched as i can freely turn the idler with my finger.I can't get the timing belt cover off cause the clutch is in the way.Like I said I am a machinist so what does the puller for the clutch consist of. Also how do you establish the timing marks on the camshaft to crankshaft? I think the puller consists of a 3/4-16 bolt drilled and tapped to 7/16-20 if I am correct I can Make one. Am I correct?
                                  Removing the timing belt cover is really a pain in the you know where. The engineers or designeers who did that thought that the timing belt will never be changed. So I did not put back the cover and i am running my cart without one. Can you imagine: to remove that cover you have to remove the pruimary clutch. If that is not $#@&^%, I don't know what.


                                  • #18
                                    Posted earlier by
                                    Matti I have a ez go cart with a robin engine it seems to turn over like it don't have any compression.It has good spark but it will not start.Can you help
                                    Either, you have no compression at all (faulty compression rings) or compression is too low. Test by putting a few drops of oil into the cylinder then test for compression if it has changed. Do that on both cylinders.

                                    Finally if nothing changes, i.e still no compression, replace the rings or have it honed to accept the next higher oversized pistons (.25) and rings.


                                    • #19
                                      I need to know where to find a parts manual for the Robin Engine EH29C, as well as a service manual for the same can anyone help?


                                      • #20
                                        Posted earlier by
                                        I need to know where to find a parts manual for the Robin Engine EH29C, as well as a service manual for the same can anyone help?
                                        EZGO EH29C and EH35C Engine Rebuild Book - Golf Carts Forum
                                        Updated by Michael Eddie; March 28, 2024, 03:50 PM.


                                        • #21
                                          I have an EZ GO with the robin engine. WHEN it runs, it runs fairly well. But I continually have to replace the ignitor pack. I'm on the third one. I considered changing the engine to something more modern with CDI ignition, but TOO expensive. Is there a way to convert the ignition system to CDI or even points would be better than the junk that's on it now?


                                          • #22
                                            I have a 2000 EZ GO G300 with a Robin EH29C engine. It was running fine, and all of a sudden when I step on the gas, the engine turns over but never kicks into drive. I took out the airfilter and found a small puddle of gas in the filter compartment. Any ideas what could be wrong?

                                            Also, where can I find an owners/service manual?


                                            • #23
                                              I used in impact socket inserted into bore in clutch, then reinserted bolt, hit it with an impact and it popped the clutch right off. You will see crank has one timing mark and other has two dots was you remove cover.


                                              • #24
                                                how do you remove the clutch to replace the timing belt on a robin eh29c


                                                • #25
                                                  Ok. I am puzzled. I just rebuilt my 1993 Robin EH29C
                                                  and the piston rod ends are hitting the balance shaft. Yes the single dot crank shaft gear is aligned with the two dots on the balance shaft. I checked/measure the new parts and they are accurate. Pistons are installed properly and I noticed the old rod has a mark where it hit at some point. I can offset the balance shaft by two teeth to get clearance and compensate for the timing but I worried about engine shake. Has anyone seen this before? Glad I decided to turn the engine with a wrench before putting it in the cart.


                                                  • #26
                                                    Seems like this thread has a lot of different issues being talked about.


                                                    • #27
                                                      Posted earlier by Ryguy
                                                      Seems like this thread has a lot of different issues being talked about.
                                                      Alright folks, this is a mega thread! Fire away with your questions and keep the conversation rolling!


                                                      • #28
                                                        Posted earlier by Boogieboy3621
                                                        I have an EZ GO with the robin engine. WHEN it runs, it runs fairly well. But I continually have to replace the ignitor pack. I'm on the third one. I considered changing the engine to something more modern with CDI ignition, but TOO expensive. Is there a way to convert the ignition system to CDI or even points would be better than the junk that's on it now?
                                                        In troubleshooting, I've encountered a recurring issue with spark and the ignitor that often boils down to grounding inconsistencies. Specifically, the grounding stud adjacent to the ignitor tends to accumulate rust and corrosion, disrupting the electrical flow. Thorough cleaning of this connection typically resolves the issue without replacing the ignitor. Additionally, I've observed that faulty ignitors are frequently a consequence of overcharging or improper jump start procedures. The lack of color differentiation between the battery cables, particularly the positive cable, can lead to inadvertent reversals during battery installation or jump starting, blowing the ignitor. Applying red tape to the positive cable can mitigate this risk. These are practical measures I've found effective in addressing this issue before considering more extensive modifications. Additionally, OEM ignitors generally offer superior quality and reliability over cheap aftermarket variations, however, many of these issues can be resolved without replacing parts by simply addressing the grounding concern.


                                                        • #29
                                                          Posted earlier by nrm16
                                                          I have a 2000 EZ GO G300 with a Robin EH29C engine. It was running fine, and all of a sudden when I step on the gas, the engine turns over but never kicks into drive. I took out the airfilter and found a small puddle of gas in the filter compartment. Any ideas what could be wrong?
                                                          When excess fuel accumulates in the air filter compartment, it typically indicates an overflow or leakage from the carburetor. As long as its not actually oil accumulating in the air filter box instead of fuel, and its not so bad that its soaking up into the air cleaner. One possibility is a stuck or faulty carburetor float. If the float becomes stuck or fails to shut off the fuel flow properly, it can lead to an overflow of fuel into the air filter compartment. The carburetor could be in need of a thorough cleaning or rebuilding to address this issue effectively. Use OEM parts wherever possible.


                                                          • #30
                                                            Posted earlier by Michael Eddie
                                                            Alright folks, this is a mega thread! Fire away with your questions and keep the conversation rolling!
                                                            24,000 views and counting


                                                            • #31
                                                              Posted earlier by bug
                                                              how do you remove the clutch to replace the timing belt on a robin eh29c
                                                              There are 2 methods to remove the drive clutch on a robin eh29c engine. Both methods require the engine to be removed first. This method described here utilizes a simple hydraulic principle to facilitate the removal of the drive clutch without causing damage to the shaft. By applying water (a non-compressible liquid) into the cavity left after removing the clutch bolt, you create a hydraulic force when tightening with an impact a non-metric 3/4 diameter fine thread bolt (2 inches long) coated in Teflon tape inserted into the hole. This force effectively pushes against the clutch, assisting its removal. Since water cannot be compressed like air, the pressure created by tightening the bolt causes the clutch to disengage without exerting excessive force on the shaft. Coating the end of the bolt in teflon tape prevents the water from escaping. You may need to clean the hole first before inserting. This method is both straightforward and effective, leveraging basic hydraulic principles to safely remove the sliding clutch. It's a technique commonly used in various applications, including snowmobile maintenance, where sliding clutches are prevalent.

                                                              If you do not want to fill the hole with water using the hydro method above, you can drop a 3 inch 5/8th stud into the hole instead. Simply drop the stud into the hole where the clutch bolt was removed. This stud serves a similar purpose as the water in the previous method by providing a solid object for the bolt to push against. When you tighten the bolt with an impact with the stud in place, it creates pressure against the clutch, aiding in its removal. And for those wondering, the shaft is tapered.
                                                              Updated by Michael Eddie; March 29, 2024, 11:22 AM.


                                                              • #32
                                                                Posted earlier by ColoradoK
                                                                Ok. I am puzzled. I just rebuilt my 1993 Robin EH29C
                                                                and the piston rod ends are hitting the balance shaft. Yes the single dot crank shaft gear is aligned with the two dots on the balance shaft. I checked/measure the new parts and they are accurate. Pistons are installed properly and I noticed the old rod has a mark where it hit at some point. I can offset the balance shaft by two teeth to get clearance and compensate for the timing but I worried about engine shake. Has anyone seen this before? Glad I decided to turn the engine with a wrench before putting it in the cart.
                                                                It sounds like you've encountered an unusual issue with your engine rebuild. The fact that the piston rod ends are hitting the balance shaft despite proper alignment of the crankshaft gear with the balance shaft indicates a potential misalignment or assembly error. Although you've checked that the single dot crankshaft gear is aligned with the two dots on the balance shaft and verified the accuracy of the new parts, it's necessary to investigate further to pinpoint the root cause of the problem. The presence of a mark on the old rod where it hit at some point indicates that this issue may have existed previously. While offsetting the balance shaft by two teeth could potentially provide clearance and compensate for the timing, it raises concerns about engine stability. Thoroughly inspecting all components and double checking the assembly process for any errors, misalignments or bent parts is important before proceeding further.
                                                                Updated by Michael Eddie; April 7, 2024, 10:59 PM.


                                                                • #33
                                                                  Posted earlier by Michael Eddie
                                                                  Alright folks, this is a mega thread! Fire away with your questions and keep the conversation rolling!
                                                                  Michael, I have an EH29C that’s been running rough, do you have any suggestions?


                                                                  • #34
                                                                    I recently performed an oil change on my txt with the robbins, I’m getting smoke all the time now. To the point of almost fouling the plugs. I just bought this cart and it seemed to be running fine up to this point. Any help appreciated.


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